sssh, Warren Haynes, Derek Trucks. The two best practicing guitarist.
Watch "Allman Brothers, "Into The Mystic," 12/3/2011" on YouTube
Allman Brothers, "Into The Mystic," 12/3/2011:
early american and german machined. still the most under appreciated super marbles.
always a buy IMO.
Super marbles, winnie. Time will judge them, appreciatively.
In agreement with galen, that considerable due diligence is necessary for marbles of that caliber. In the second set of pics. The third/last pic., focus is on the glass, and you begin to see what you would be looking for in "old" glass. Not a sulphide fan, those are exceptional marbles.
mostly, its the clarity of the glass.? the metal work seems to be the focus and shows well its age. the glass seems harder to get a good read on.?
better detail, once you try to enlarge they get fuzzy er.