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Everything posted by marbleus1

  1. Thanks John I just got back home as soon as I got in the car I said to myself, dumbas bumbledeere - jus that its mostly bumble but yep hybrid I,d already hit it with the light and the black and green throwd me an thanks david edit: i's been moved well while your looking at pelts.
  2. I,m rusty. or jus a nice deere? the "black" only appears where the trans green is. it aint sumpn Ive noticed in a JD before. couple more pics. just doesnt seem like blending(in hand), trans green with black, then yellow - is what it seems. thanks
  3. Green something? or jus a nice bee. thanks, David
  4. Some new listings thanks for looking and happy Thanksgiving, be safe. David http://www.ebay.com/...sid=p4340.l2562 a special marble, http://www.ebay.com/...984.m1555.l2649 Alan sold a Akro box for me last week http://www.ebay.com/...=item27c03aff58 The winner of that one got a deal, it is purty much as I found it I added a couple of patches and some flint looking marbles to fill it. It already contained 11 Milky Ox's 5 or 6 "super" clear Ox's and what I'm pretty sure was about 23 CAC 2 seams they were a slate/sand colored with sky blue faintly showing thru. (Galens Super Box confirmed the gamers) Just wanted to post what I knew about them and give a heads up. David And I wonder how they got there?
  5. Second time Alan has had this marble(at least) I've owned it for 5 years and had no questions. David He may not know hes graded it twice it was in an unmarked ziploc with hundreds of marbles.
  6. went cheap!. $100 http://cgi.ebay.com/...e=STRK:MEWAX:IT $250.00 marble- best 9, cut, tail, never saw a better
  7. has not set their status

  8. thanks Greg, mostly rainbos and corkscrews from here on out. Still collecting Steph. These babies been stuffed in a cabinet long nuf. David
  9. Some interesting and unusual items. David marblealan's listings Ground Ox to machined German Swirl 30 listed many to come
  10. Mica doesnt seem near as confusing as a term like "cloud". To me I'm starting to see what may be a style that can be distingished from other eras. Speculation, entirely a question and out of my range. David ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ edit after post below: as easy as pointing to an era, I could speculate that odd marbles such as these were from all eras (and they were), lunch time, after hours, experimentals, from Artist, or Apprentice. Mine or Rics, I have no reason to speculate are dug. There is though a huge influx now of newly dug German Handmades and some ""similarly"" odd stuff is appearing. I think mine is a early ""style"" but would be interested in what ya'll think.
  11. I dont think mine is a "Mica" I dont think Rics is a "Cloud" (it could be "THE CLOUD") I dont think, end/beginning of cane. (edit: pre-manufactured cane??) These are, all handmade, with a core before canes. speculation here and bout far as my understanding can take me. david ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tupelo: my understanding of "cane" is also at issue so "in shop made cane" would still fit into what I am trying to speculate??? I have a lot of what I speculate to be differant era "Micas" this marble has few similarities to my other "micas" cept for that shiney stuff.
  12. Too cool. I hope you dont mind if I take up that practice. David ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tupelo: (lol) that look I know. I cant display many marbles because I give so many to the kids that stop by. Turn your back and a 1" mint MFC goes missing or gets into a game (lol) so I keep most/all put up so there is no confusion. But priceless is the look and hell the MFC really did want in the game. (lol) destiny yaknow
  13. I didnt make the comparison I meant to earlier. "mica" "cloud" are terms, I use without much understanding of them. This mica is not really a "mica", it obviously is, but in this marble it is a "core", built (inserted?) built around(?) a small amount of what appears the same material as in Rics marble. I have thought of my marble as a very early "Mica" but then we tend to call anything with mica a mica. It is the style or techinque or beginning of one, I think relates these marbles to each other. Handmades are really better left to someone else to ponder, but I'm thinking that this style is not far past "Grieners" in terms of age????????? David another view huge air entrapment Rics appears to be "The Eternal Flame" also I believe we have 19th century air samples entrapped (lol) probably toxic
  14. I Need some clarification. It seems to me what we call "cullet" is 2 seperate materials? Single color "cull" is used to make marbles, a mix of single colors? Multi color "cull" (as produced when making marbles) does it have much use in marble making? the obvious answer seems no or we would not be digging it up? It seems that "cull" from one marble manufacturer would be of little use to another? So if you are digging up "marble cull" would that not point toward that site being the manufacturing site of that attempt? David
  15. This is a mica with similar story and except for the "mica", your marble reminded me of this one. It lived for some time in my marbles for giveaway about 11/16" probably a little less, best excuse for missing it, when I did notice it, at first glance I thought fried marble. David --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tupelo: Ric, I was thinking the style so maybe the age were similar, and this one is early as I believe yours is. that faint core (material/glass) is what reminded me of your "cloud" along with the base look/style. the air entrapments, mine has a huge one.
  16. My thanks, I did not know of the Vacor David is it funny now? (lol)
  17. it was a joke Scott, I was just trying to cypher the "wicked Owl" clue, still looking for (what I wasnt seeing), went back to the pictures you posted, to see were I could be making my mistaken ID, still looked cac to me - not because of the turkey. Thats as far as my I.D.ing skills could take me while looking at your pictures I thought, damn turkey on both sides, well not turkey looks like a toucan. turkey toucan wicked owl needs a leash so it dont get away before we (you) figure out what it is. ha damnitman ha The total of my comment. I learned more, my apoligies David Good points Bo
  18. CAC also, that lavendar seems unusual there, but have seen in other CAC marbles (guinea) what are you seeing Scott? David if I try to move it away, I cant see newer than CAC, but my skills are weak. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tupelo allows me to comment on next post without bumping thread/poster with trivial comment. (to poster below) tupelo: damnitman (lol) I got a turkey on one side a toucan on the other and look'n for a wicked owl. It probably needs a leash.
  19. Some very interesting marbles there thought I saw a fisheye in one, a sink .. (lol) many marketable looks there. I like them. David
  20. Thanks the first one was for fun, not as much as I thought (lol) I made a small change, Now that you know its mine. You own it, read it that way? Heres another before the read, It aint about you or me or here. Its by me, so I ask you take marbleus1 out of your mind. ado To Our Friends Overseas, I bid You a Do And ask if I may, Understanding from You New Kid on the Block, We’re Proud of Our Toys Like all of the Children, We make lots of Noise This comes from Our Roots, You will Understand We’re Made of the Best, from All of Your Land ive even said nother language youd be if not for the likes of Father and me As I Look back, was I Slow to the Call To All of U.S. here, that Matters most All So Loudly we Play, You pay it no mind Our Debt Is Still Due, We Pay It In Time Our Flags they will Differ, how else We Keep Score Of This Thing I Speak, its DOOR to DOOR My Family Stands Ready, I Know Yours Does Too So again let Me say, I bid you Ado DWS
  21. quote MCM "I have to question the motives of those that continually crusade about Jabo here. What is the real deal behind all the crying and troublemaking? " As do we all. David
  22. The bottom left one is try'n real hard Sue, that farm/cream (almondish) color edit:(lol) cept it kinda needs more yellowish in the cream (damnitman) David e2: my description was for a particular (in hand) observation For "Buttermilk" the previous thread photos are an example, e3: oh yea, (LOL) somebody needs better pictures, hahaha ah jus the one but haha anyway
  23. I like Vintage marbles. For Machine mades if I want it, thars good chance something has wrung a "vintage" bell. For me, I know what I want my marbles to look like, My marbles! Having said that, I cant imagine anything about those marbles, that is not topic for discussion. Including What They Look Like. Its the way Ur all of OUR thoughts are presented. The main discourse has NOTHING to do with marbles. Whatever your reason When you respond with other than marble (fact) pro/con matters not. I'm not thinking what is (they) saying about marbles. I'm reading your opinion on posters. Take It somewhere Else!! me - you - us David Read Your Words before responding to mine!
  24. Whew! anybody else sweat'n Super Score david
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