Do you have a close-up of a folded pontil? That's the only one I'm not sure I've seen . . . is it the same type I've seen elsewhere called a "finger" pontil?
Jeez I wish I had real money . . .
Where's the safe?? And all the records???
Does Bruce Boyce (brainflap)still have them, or are they -- I don't even want to say it!
There's a photograph of "Glass Factory Hollow" in American Machine Made Marbles , if you have that (invaluable) book -- don't have it here with me . . .
If it's purple, chances are pretty good that it's American. One of those companies associated with J H Leighton. Galen can tell, if you take it to Vegas for him!
I have something I think of as a ghost corkscrew -- it looks clear with just a corkscrew "disturbance" in the glass until you hit it with a UV light, when the cork glows an outrageous radioactive lime green . . .