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Everything posted by ann

  1. Could it be contemporary? I'm thinking of the Walds . . .
  2. OK. So I'll start following Ernie around!
  3. You got it. 'Course, I'm even older. And sure, happy birthday to everybody else too!
  4. Uh, does "better late than never" still apply? Happy belated birthday, you-know-who-you-are!
  5. It could be what you think. But I think it's probably more likely that it's a bad picture of an orange latticinio. Either way, I wouldn't mind seeing a better picture too!
  6. Only in Baumann's book. I have the impression that chevrons and the cane-cut slags are one and the same. Whatever, I'd love one. Lucky you!
  7. Nope, not me. But the one you've singled out looks like an orange latticinio.
  8. Nice. Another slag lover.
  9. I look for them fairly regularly on ebay and don't find them very often. Nice examples, of course, turn up even less often than that. I don't know that they would be considered HTF by some collectors, but I consider them pretty HTF.
  10. Matching micas would be hard to find.
  11. I'm on the new Marble Mania list -- publication date is now about March 1 (has been pushed back a couple of times). All the books that Steph said.
  12. Me neither. I'm sure there's some magic to it, but I don't know what it is . . .
  13. Me too, although I've had many more green / yellow ones. But the oranges have certainly been all over the place, including some filiments in some German sparklers (not many, but they're there, much to my surprise).
  14. I feel your pain! Did you get any of the whacko thunder & lightening that we got?
  15. It's lookin' pretty grim out of Chicago windows right now. The blizzard is definitely on.
  16. And if I had deep pockets that there marble would sure be mine . . .
  17. OMG. [Rendered otherwise speechless]
  18. And yellow??? And clear???? Oh dear . . . trying hard not to be jealous. Very hard.
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