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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. FWIW... maybe it's a difference in demographics, but we have seen no interest in the jabos at our shows. There was a couple people having them for sale, but I saw no one buying them. In fact the feedback we got was collectors were frustrated of the influx of so many. And dismay from several newer collectors on buying something they thought was old at an over inflated price. We had several new collectors at the Seattle show a couple weeks back, and they didn't want jabos, they wanted old. and a couple even asked for help in buying so as to not buy something mis-represented.Do some of them look like mimics? We got a marble from marble Alan that was a jabo sold as an alley. It fooled him! and I don't think anyone should be an Einstein to be able to collect marbles. It shouldn't be rocket science. In a historical view, what has the production of so many mimics done to the hobby? We have seen it divide people, collectors and generate ill will in many cases. There really isn't any historical significance in making a 'made for collectible' collectible. Look at the beenie babies, and look at what they're worth now. in the beginning of the runs, I believe that people enjoyed seeing how a marble was made, having a hand in it was fun and educational to them. The jabos were a larger size, and unmistakable as to what they were. and yeah, people grabbed them because they were 'pretty', and they were very pretty. But this has taken a turn... and why do many of the people that now sell these on ebay have them listed in the vintage categories? and know full well they are not vintage. a few years back we posted about getting duped on an akro looking oxblood, and got slammed by a few on this board. that was before the newer mimics folks. when all we wanted to do was educate. fact is, after speaking directly with one of the original makers about this marble, we also found out that bottles of them were sent to a couple different auction houses and auctioned off, infiltrating old right from the get-go. motivation? making a buck. this is only our opinion, some can agree, other disagree. it is what it is. Ernie & Dani
  2. more pictures.... I think it's pretty clear we have some fun!
  3. we had so much fun that night. swappin stories(galen had the best ones! lol), looking at marbles, great food. geez it doesn't get any better!
  4. ditto! great marbles Scott. thanks! absolutely drop dead gorgeous!!
  5. lol, we had so much fun, and great to see everyone. we've missed ya jeeper! :-) more pic's. tomorrow! stay tuned!! and thanks for the GREAT pictures ya sent paul. Galen, Sami, Paul, y'all be family!!
  6. thought we'd post a few pictures of our fun!
  7. they were called 'area codes' back then I think.... lol mine was '4'. we weren't big enough for double digits I guess.
  8. I want those red ones!!! I'd put those in my tenny's any day!
  9. There's only 3 days left to make room reservations for the Seattle show! don't miss out!!! every year there's always someone that spaced getting their reservations and then cry at either having to pay regular rates. or worse yet(and it has happened!) not even being able to get a room in the hotel!
  10. well heck, then this one is a mystery Bob? (LOL) 21/32", single faceted pontil, not soft glass.
  11. agreed CT. akro did some neat pastel combos back then too. like the powder blues, custards, etc.
  12. I was shocked and saddened this morning when I checked my facebook page to see Paul Snell had passed. We knew Paul for some 20 years. A wonderful man, always had a smile and loved the marbles. He made marbles for years as well. he will be greatly missed. RIP Paul.
  13. Happy Fathers day to all the dad's out there. we celebrate the entire weekend. stating with a yummy saturday night dinner, with yummies planned for tonight too!
  14. zaboo


    we doubled it last year too! soon Galen soon!! (did ya get your reservations?)
  15. these are from 1946. check the trophy. crown on boys head.. The men were Tacoma teachers and tournament coordinators. Tournament was held in Lincoln High bowl.(where they played foorball in the rocks and dirt) note the trophy says 'berry Pink' on it.
  16. those are gorgeous earrings! love that stuff. have a couple necklaces that would match up pretty close! and Tom enters this thread how?
  17. just get the reservations soon. :-) I can't wait!! I need a vacation, well a working one anyway. lol
  18. Hey Randy... ya ever come to the Seattle show? there's always great marbles!
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