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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. Some handmades, by craftsmen in Germany |||||||||||
  2. Great looking Riv Mike is that a pick up?
  3. Marbles look great. Last group = good eye! wow
  4. No more discussions on this style of marble?? Killer marble, diverse experience (ie: multi-continent), lots of people that have been collecting a long long time... if I weren't so interested in the subject matter I wouldn't be poking this thread with a cattle prod in an attempt to learn more. lol. I saw the other "confetti cloud" thread and got my hopes up. yeah well here's a prod. (Sorry Mike)
  5. Pretty cool, can't say I've seen one quite like that before.
  6. Some of the most bad-ass looking pelts in that pic for sure
  7. I've seen a couple pictures before but they're a bit of an enigma. Wasn't there a some posted in a Pelt group pic a few months back?
  8. Slag collection looks like it's coming along nicely. The OP marble probably wouldn't fit in the the "slag" category. I think I see what you're seeing as far as a Pelt pattern or even a double ingot Akro, but my guess from the pics (and size) would be one of those Roosters (Vacor?)
  9. Nice marble Terry! I see what you mean about the colors and agree that it's a 'confetti-style' construction. There's something about the original post that looks a bit 'off' from that, and I'm just not quite convinced it's anything but a style made in Germany, from a cane, with two pontils...
  10. Any other handmade collectors that can shed some light? It's a very interesting marble China or not.
  11. Cool feet. Were those from a table or chair or?
  12. Nice, I particularly like the swirls. Cool way to display as well!!
  13. A watch fob maybe? I don't know if I've seen a pendant like that before on a necklace
  14. Absolutely good point. Don't inhale. Wear your PPE and use common sense. Don't smell anything directly and if you absolutely have to take a whiff, use the wafting technique. Even without smelling you might be able to tell something by how it reacts to heat.
  15. Very interesting - Does it smell like hash? Lol. Burnt rubber or elastomers usually smell pretty acrid when lit up, I'd expect a rosin to smell a bit better. Try lighting a bit of the core on fire and see what it smells like (or if it melts or burns or resists heat). Destructive testing is sometimes the only way to go. Glad someone made a sacrifice for the cause.
  16. Interesting, I would not have guessed Chinese based on the size and what I see in the pics. Although there are some similarities to the colors of single pontil "confetti" marbles that are rumored to have come from China. Maybe I'd have to see more 2-pontil Chinese marbles to compare it to. One of the pontils looks a bit odd, could be an "inny" rather than an "outty" but not unheard of. Is there any grinding or faceting? (might not have been necessary if it didn't stick out) Really cool marble and discussion, but to me it really looks like it could have come out of Germany, just like some of the other hand mades that were produced there. Definitely unusual colors and construction but I don't see anything that would rule Germany out. My opinion and if I'm wrong well maybe I'll learn something new:)
  17. Also, a similar patter is sometimes seen on the smaller handmade striped opaques with opaque blue, opaque green base etc. The pattern in multiple colors you sometimes get on a striped opaque with this type of pattern is super cool. The construction/technique on these you don't see on any other types of handmade marbles like lats, cores etc. although all the latter are cane cut as well.
  18. A lot of info in the books (names, price, sometimes even mfg) is open to discussion. It looks like a cane cut slag with a "chevron" type pattern to me. If I recall the opaque ones can sometimes have a ground pontil but most of the slag types (ie transparent colored glass with random opaque white pattern) have rougher pontils and somewhat out of round. That's just based on what I've seen and I haven't seen them all. BJ, what color if you back light it? I'm looking hard for a blue one if it exists
  19. Hi, nice marble. The term "onionskin" as it applies to handmades is pretty broad since there are so many types under that category. "confetti cloud" is more of a sub-category and some might dispute by saying true clouds only have one pontil (ie: end of cane), but I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Most onionskins have a opaque white or yellow base, this one is clear with unusual colors if that is really a lavender or purple. You don't see the clear base ones as often but they are out there. hope that helps
  20. handmade, 2 pontils would indicate to me there was some sort of cane involved in the construction. Here`s a pic from another post. Unique patterns but similar in a way (i don`t think you`re going to find two alike even from the same cane). What are you planning to do with it? hope this info helps
  21. Cool pattern is that a sparkler-type construction with a reverse twist? is there any interior swirling of the white or is it pretty much linear strands from pole to pole? Cool either way, just not quite sure what to make of it
  22. cool idea and great subject matter as well! I'd hang that on my wall any day
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