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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. Now you got me thinking on how this could occur on rollers, which would normally make marbles round/spherical. These nubs actually protrude and are 180 from eachother. They look a bit different than standard touch marks or cold rolls so maybe it is 1/3 of a barbell or some other factory reject. But not a cane cut one, drat I'll have to keep looking. lol
  2. Could be now that you mention it. It's more of a German Sparkler I guess for lack of a better name. It would roll a certain way or else skip! Stuck to other ones on the rollers is a possibility. hmm
  3. Lol, just joking. What an oddball, check this out. No machine rounding on this one. May be reworked with a torch (look at that/those punty marks) on opposite poles. Thought it might be good for an ogle. How did it happen you ask? I do not know. Non-faceted.
  4. Here's a quick pic, The one in the middle is probably closer to what you mean. The right one is likely unintentional. Instead of being a "round" latt, picture it "flat"... like a ribbon, lol Hope that helps.
  5. It's good to see some posts here from those that you don't see posts from too often. I think we can do it.
  6. Thems are purdy! Nice pics along with the labels
  7. Hm, interesting. Sometimes we'd play 1 good marble for a few average ones to make it "even", but most times the marble you were playing for had to be in the game. Then once you win they get blindly tossed in the marble bag with dozens of others to rattle around and get damaged. lol
  8. Lol, love the pH test. Is that oxblood?
  9. In my days on the playground if you wanted to win a good one you'd have to play a good one. Plenty of the 'good ones' got chipped in battle. Some people played the basic game, but when there were 'good ones' involved it usually involved a crowd.
  10. That's pretty cool, quite the stash of glass out back too, turned out great
  11. The handmades, anything worth writing home about? Sorting through ~1000 marbles must be fun in itself!
  12. Putting a grade to anything (unless you know very well what you're talking about - it seems marbles don't fall into a popular category) is subjective at best. Lol Alan, it's true. From the pics I thought maybe mint+ means "better than my pics look"
  13. Nice marble. Fridge vs. marble is not one I'd thought of, which just goes to show. Verniers instead of a ruler might cause some confusion. Great marble though, wow!
  14. I wouldn't have guessed Pelt from the pics, but maybe in-hand you can tell. The patterns can get wonky on the larger ones.
  15. Indian blankets could probably have their own topic but similar colors yes. Also, in the last few eBay years some red/white/black Akro's are referred to as "rebel" -type colors and there will be some confusion when it comes to who-made-what marbles when talking about specific nick"names" like rebel, superman, or golden rebel among others. Which is why it can get confusing some times. Not to mention the "hybrids" of blends that are out there and make a marble not appear as the way it should in order to fit a specific opinion or description
  16. Thanks Ann, it seems the ones ~1"+ show a "blizzard" pattern more than 5/8"s etc would. Your guess at one pic is as good as mine. .
  17. Some times the older Mica marbles in this size have more evenly distributed Mica. They probably took a bit more time in making the marble (think of most of it being positioned closer to the surface, not so much inside like you'd see on the smaller ones getting twisted randomly off a cane). One pic doesn't tell me if it's old or new but I've seen some older ones that look similar.
  18. That's a huge lutz, and will probably go for big dollars in original condition.
  19. I've seen a couple groups like that before where there are a bunch together, just that size. Would you trade some of your yellows for reds (I got a group that was mostly a bunch of red and blues).
  20. That looks like some dedicated cake making, she did a great job!
  21. Some swirls, some of these are grouped since they came together, not by company just swirls
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