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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. First pic where the left light reflection is, what's going on there?
  2. Domino's and chess pieces were made out of ivory or bone. Dice too. Could be game marbles. No evidence of hand-ground-facets on these lol.
  3. Looks like a 7 to me, figured they could be ballot box marbles or something? Game marbles maybe?
  4. So, I'm curious is the gutta perchs were originally intended to be more "rubbery" like a bouncing ball, or a marble? Were they game marbles like carpet bowls ?
  5. Wow! thanks for that pic! I was hoping to see more detail from the first one, especially the one with the figures. Amazing. Good luck with the auction duffy , even if it is a superball post pics. lol
  6. The "agate cutter" pics are hilarious. Can you imagine laying down on the job all day (literally). A pic of some more non-glass marbles, I think a couple are actually ground stone rather than clay/ceramic, maybe a couple ivory or bone too. Plus a neat note that came with some agates as I got them. (7th grade in 1927 wasn't me) I never paid much attention to the non-glass marbles and didn't think I had so many until I started rooting around
  7. I'll throw this out there and I hope i don't offend anyone, but when it comes to trying to identify types of swirls that look like these I group them by similarity in colors only, (in the same basic way that I'd sort cat eyes by color). Anyone that can narrow down a specific manufacturer would have more experience/knowledge and I respect that. Big groups of similar marbles would help with the ID vs trying to ID each one on their own.
  8. Colorful marbles bring these to mind, I hope it's OK if handmades can play too.
  9. Nice marble, I think there's some mica visible in pic 5. Condition wise doesn't look too bad although you'd likely lose any pontil detail depending on how polished.
  10. Interesting size and construction on the ~7/8ths one, I dug this picture up looking for a blue, white , and what appears to be oxblood based on your first examples which I'd think are pretty unique for Alley's. Not saying mine are Alley's or even oxblood for that matter, but may be close? Or maybe way out there, (I won't be offended if these aren't what you meant) lol
  11. Nice script. straight as a crow flies ?
  12. I mean, if it's got vanes there's a (extremely) good chance it's a cats eye, pontils would indicate handmade. If it's got more than one ribbon, or a secondary "layer" like caging = most likely not a cats eye. Here's a couple that aren't cats eyes
  13. You must be talking about a 3 color naked single ribbon core if it's getting confused with a cats eye. A handmade marble is usually pretty easy to distinguish from a machine made marble ?
  14. ...And a couple handmades, the lobed core might be a "doppelganger" to post #7?
  15. You see that blue/red/brownish/black on some Pelts. REgardless of manufacturer, it looks pretty cool. Not to mention names, but I thought blue + red = spiderman?
  16. Some more festive colors, I think the first is a Euro sparkler and the second might be some sort of double ingot and/or dug Akro
  17. Good point, this is sometimes seen also with "low light" or "night time" settings on camera's where you get all these weird tracers. Nice purple Mica there by the looks of things.
  18. Just joking, always wondered why so many marbles ended up in privy's. There are some nice lined china's you show, as mentioned.
  19. What most people don't realize is that times were tough back then and food was hard to come by. Marbles on the other hand, were plentiful to eat but didn't digest as well.
  20. Some newer ones, and then some older ones. Most of the older ones are just blue and green since blue/green/purple is kind of tough to find in one marble, but I'm sure there's some more out there.
  21. Independent of blue or black, I've seen some "broken corks" that look like MK's, but I just wondered if it were a blue/yellow Pelt or a black/yellow Pelt. Lol. I don't see a flip flop in the original pic. Marblemiser's far two on the right look more like they could be "broken corks" more than the others (except for Dans). disclaimer: I know less about MK than I think I might know about Pelts, so take it with a grain of salt.
  22. I haven't been disappointed by any of Leroy's work, there are a lot of beat up marbles that can be rejuvenated. Ultimately it's your call. I think there's enough clear glass on that one still that can be enjoyed with all the battle scars, since most of what's going on is close to the surface and not obscured like you'd see if the good stuff was closer to the core like most other handmades from that era. Imagine the kid on the playground tossing that bad-boy around. I've seen a similar one in Red that's worse off, but could likely still be helped if that's your thing. Big John shows an excellent example though, and not too many would disagree that it looks a lot better than it did. Unless you're a purist that likes the history (in which case one could argue that you could effectively take a polished marble and pass it on to a new generation for them to play with on the playground and earn it's battle scars all over again). Marbles are toys and no doubt in my mind that even a polished handmade still has it's uniqueness compared to to any run of the mill (ie: current) marbles getting churned out by machines nowadays.
  23. Pretty long tail for a rhino, but I'm sure there was some artistic freedom when these were made and rhino "A" from one marble shack would look a lot different than rhino "B" from the shack way up the road. I doubt anybody back then would have a clue what a triceratops was or even looked like,
  24. Vivid colors in the pic of four handmades, wow. Nice marbles all around!
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