That's pretty cool what you did with the machine. For people that haven't actually seen one in person, what are we looking at for overall size? Are both sets of rollers "operational" or do you just use one at a time?
A couple more handmades etc in the theme of Red, white & blue. Batteries went before I could include a peewee Pelt liberty for scale.
Looks like a nice Submarine there 1Dans
All I remember about those speckled ones is they seemed to chip a lot easier on the playground. Probably had a lot to do with the size/mass since they're larger marbles. Don't see them around much, but the ones I had were big and chipped.
No time to type, looking at my nails lol :Happy_050: I'd take a nice mib over a nail any day of the week. Must be a forest for the trees kind of thing.
Nice Handmades Kevin, real unique ones there. I did a double-take on that lobed red/yellow solid core, thought it was a "twin"
Some of "Barton's Beauties" getting time in the sun, these are my favorites
Is that a pic of the finely ground pontil or is it on the other pole? Bright "English" colors, probably close to "end of cane" (you know where the layers and construction can get a bit unpredictable). Super looking marble, but I think it's one of those odd-balls that don't quite fit in a specific category
Here's some what I consider to be close enough to a shade of oxblood they're kept them together. Even if they aren't. The German's may have used a softer glass since it seems like almost all have blow-outs and surface roughness, (especially seen in mine which are beat)