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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. So is it a really deep transparent purple then? I always wondered if they were opaque "black" cased with a clear glass. Either way I'd say fairly uncommon, I've been looking for a while.
  2. Nice, how do you think that pontil in that second pic came about? Looks kind of odd from the pic?
  3. lol, that would have been a tough challenge. Back in the day some kid probably spent a lot of time busting it up, just trying to get to the animal inside
  4. two pontils is a pretty good indication of a cane cut marble. You see less "slags" than the more traditional handmade "core" swirls, but they are out there. I've posted some pics before if I can find them
  5. Grinding a pontil is an extra step. Other extra steps could be roundness or quality of construction etc. Ton's were made, but as far as availability I'd say less common. I agree w/ Ann
  6. I agree, that's a tougher color to really get a pic of. Darker than aqua, but lighter than navy blue right? or somewhere in between I think I know what you mean
  7. Is Running Rabbit auction #52 idem #225 an auction with pictures? I'm itching to learn more about these
  8. Those are some cool marbles Bill. These are the biggest (and smallest) I've got. That box is killer
  9. Couple other thoughts: the glass on the vintage ones is usually prone to moons or chipping (some people might call it soft glass) mostly seen on the Clambroth styles. The white that looks overlaid on the 2nd marble can sometimes have blow holes or a rough texture compared to the base glass. I suppose you seeing them in hand would be the easiest way to know for sure since it's sometimes a tough detail to photo.
  10. The colors do look brighter but could be from the flash. My initial thought was newer - last pic of the "butterfly" almost looks like the looping you sometimes see on those contemporary "egg" type pieces of glass that sometimes end up with marble collections. A Faceted pontil on the "butterfly" pattern is surprising, (most I've seen have rougher than normal pontils, and 1-1/4" would be the largest by far). I haven't seen them all, and of course now I'm really wanting to see other examples
  11. I like seeing these types, my other thread seemed to die on the vine. Anyhow, any related info I find interesting - there is much to learn. Thanks *edit* two in this photo for the cane-cut fans, not intended to cause confusion (just because I think they look nice together and I don't have a big yellow handgathered).
  12. The construction looks like they should have a more noticeable pontil. Flip them over and it's more of a bump, no evidence of grinding or even very fine facets. Just a raised portion that looks like it might have been polished with heat. No "wrinkles" on or around the point Maybe they are machine rounded?? I figured a machine would make them more spherical? Thanks for those pics and quick response, I can see the grinding on yours.
  13. Wow, nice close up! Are those scuffs (horizontal) or a trick of the light? Here's the best detail I could get of the type. Almost looks flame polished or something, smooth The pontils on these are all similar but the blue one showed the most detail close up. They don't look ground from what I see, but they're not pronounced either. smooth Added second pic since the blue marble may have seemed out of context (compared to the green one from my first post!). Green one is bottom right. All around 7/8" or so
  14. Had a recent question about pontils and am throwing this one out for the broader knowledge base! What do you think?
  15. I don't think you could go wrong for $10, nice!
  16. Awesome pattern. I like those colors. Does the surface look original?
  17. I'm thinking that blue/red is a Pelt. There look to be some nice Pelts in that group. And the Akro's aren't too shabby either!
  18. At the far end of the scale where a "precision banded Indian" starts to look like a "banded transparent". Due to the base glass. And the white stripes. That would look nice with some Indians for sure.
  19. Chuck, I was talking about the first one you posted. The clear base shows almost a "wirepull" pattern, which you wouldn't see if the base was opaque..Does it look that way in hand?
  20. Wow, nice mibs here! I've heard the term before but that's about it. First one is a knock-out, whatever it's called
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