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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. Which pic has the cut/shear mark on the second marble? Is it that circular mark on the bottom left pic??
  2. Alan, that's the type of controlled pattern I mean. Is it a trade secret or how exactly does the bubble make a non-bubble shape. Almost looks like a "sprue" on the B. Those are awesome marbles by the way.
  3. A lot of German handmade marbles had air bubbles in them too, usually following the path of the pattern. I'm curious about some of the contemporary air inclusions in the form of a ring. I wonder how those get made. Same with the birdcage marbles.
  4. Is there any transparency to the green glass? Hard to tell from the pics if the lighter/darker areas in the green are from "depth".
  5. And another three. 3 best x 3 rarest = 9 bestest so I figured I might get away with 9 total mibs. lol. I make up my own math sometimes
  6. I can't say these are my best or rarest three, but they're some of my favorites
  7. At a glance I wondered how much of that article would even be considered accurate. Does "Semi-mechanical" on the German handmades account for a grinding wheel??
  8. Was there a Blue Latt in this auction somewhere?
  9. Probably had a lot to do with the industrial revolution. Things made leaps and bounds back then, machining etc. Augers have been around a bit longer
  10. A jar of Citrus-es (or even exotics) sounds good to me. Big ol' jarful of marbles. yum
  11. I don't know the specific topography of the area or what archives would show, but I know of a bunch of smokestacks that used to be around, at factories, that aren't there any more. Same with the factories. I don't mean in Europe, I'm just talking generally. Back in the old days there were a lot of factories that burned down and chimneys that eventually had to be demolished since they became a safety hazard. Interesting marble topic/discussion
  12. Cool! The smaller mib with the bag is even cooler
  13. Rich, I'd also think that torch made marbles vs. marbles made from furnace might change the way the sparkles get spread out. I like the sounds of a purple aventurine though!
  14. "...didn't use aventurine in mass producing marbles for 2 reasons: one is cost and the other is usage/application was difficult" "...believed by most in the collecting community that aventurine was not used on purpose in machine made marbles" That sounds about right. Cool handmade! Big for that type
  15. Merry Christmas to all Marble Connection-ers! and everyone else too
  16. Nice wirepulls in this thread, A blue/white in clear glass shooter was my fav when I was a kid. Still looking for it. Nancy, the circle you see might be from the marbles being wet or underground at some point, likely a "rust stain". It makes sense if you get a marble wet, the moisture or drop will go to the lowest point multiply that by a few decades and you'd get a stain similar to what you're seeing there.
  17. When backlit, if the stretched bubbles seem to be elongated in the direction of one "pole" to the opposite "pole" in a slightly twisted pattern that says handmade to me also. Nice color.
  18. Cool, I took some pics of one a while back but they just don't do it justice. Similar in the sense it's green, white (w/ sparkles in the green only though) and some type of 9 and tail pattern. I'll see if I can get a better pic. It was just green and white if I recall, no blue or purple. *edit* Well, I might have to wait for a sunny day, or a better camera. lol. Winnie, I'm envious of your marble and photography. There is some incidental aventurine in this marble which I'm not quite able to capture, but if you squint you can see a couple "streaks" between 2 and 4, and some sparkles between 7 and 12
  19. Wow, a molten glob of glass is what I'd expect from Roman era, not a pattern with precise spacing/banding like that? Another interesting part of this thread...do the "scale balancing" marbles weigh in at anything close to a current (or old) unit of measuring weight? Cool topic,
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