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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Hi. Welcome. Those are modern foreign marbles (mostly Asian) which are still in production. So they're worth about as much as it would cost to buy them new at a toy store. However, this style is fairly popular ... especially the turquoise with the oxblood streaks:
  2. Those are Vacors. That would be a Picasso on the left. I don't recognize the color combo on the right but still pretty sure Vacor. https://www.billes-en-tete.com/liste_billes.php
  3. Click on your name, and then when you get to your profile there's a little picture icon. If you click on that you should have the option of uploading a marble picture from your computer. After you upload your photo, if you hit "continue", there will be a tool which will let you crop the photo if you want or need to. That lets you center the marble. If you play with it and still have questions, ask away.
  4. So no particular opalescence? I'm with Al. Can't think of anything other than "Akro or a different MK".
  5. Welcome, Gary. Those are modern marbles made in Mexico. Vacor de Mexico was one of the names the company which made them went by, so we call them Vacors. The modern Vacor styles started being made in the 1980s, with assortment sets being sold in the 1990's. They started being sold in nets with colorful style names maybe in the late 1990's but at least by 2000. They company is still in business. No significant monetary value but larger marbles can be hard to find. Here are some marbles made by the same company available for sale on ebay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313&_nkw=vacor+marbles&_sacat=0 Here is a page with a comprehensive list of named styles and date information. (Some of the styles are discontinued and thus could be worth a little more.) Not an official site but a very helpful one -- a labor of love by a collector. https://www.billes-en-tete.com/liste_billes.php
  6. Interesting. I see why there might be reluctance to call Berry Pink on it. Is anyone suggesting alternatives? If it were smaller I might be pushing hard in the Peltier direction. But at 1" ... I'm not familiar with such large patches from Pelt. Is that opalescence I'm seeing in the base? Very interesting marble.
  7. Picture didn't show for me either. The address says it's from google mail. Maybe it's a matter of not having permissions to read the account.
  8. I think I've seen some oxblood in modern marble kings. Maybe on green vanes? I have a bad memory for colors. I'd guess accidental oxblood could show up on marbles with turquoise vanes ... like it does on so many other marbles with turquoise.
  9. Imposter? Is one a Vitro Whitie? I don't know which one for sure -- I see three or four I'd wonder about.
  10. Woot woot! I have one which isn't in the thread yet! Keeping it simple as usual with cat's eyes. I don't go out shopping much which makes marble-finding opportunities few and far between. So I was delighted to find this at a modest price at an antique store.
  11. Here is Craig's picture from 2006 as posted by Al. The signature "wedding cake white" pops in contrast to the offwhite behind it.
  12. Jimbo Smith posted this marble on facebook as a Christensen World's Best Moon. I've never seen one in person and have seen too few photos to feel I really understand them.
  13. For the Akro moonie, I'd say generally the same. Ideally you could see all the way through, or at least see more in that hole than you would see in the rest of the marble. That's where you would concentrate when looking for that inner glow. Both moonies and flinties evolved over the years, with the earliest ones having the most translucence and that fish eye getting tighter and tighter toward the end.
  14. *waves* No helpful input from me. Yes, they would go in my generic swirl tin. But I wanted to say hi anyway.
  15. LOL ... you're making me more jealous than you could know. I love my cats. I got misty just today for my soulmate kitty who passed five years ago. But OMG ... I want a mastermind!
  16. Steph


    LOL. She's already my bestie. Our house is cute and comfortable but has some glaring issues, so hubby wouldn't have chosen it if I hadn't glowed about it from the first time I saw it. But I wouldn't trade my neighbors for anything. I really lucked out. (We moved here 3.5 years ago.) She helped me get the job I now have. That was last October. Wasn't even gonna garden this year besides a couple of tomato plants but got laid off during the stay at home orders. So I went ahead and put the garden in. Then got called back to work, so my plants aren't getting nearly as much water as they did last year. And I'm not caring too much. I've had my fun. I've tried different things. Four summers in a row. The urgency is gone. But still sometimes dreaming about a small greenhouse to help get plants started earlier in the cool Wisconsin spring .....
  17. I have a few other interesting ones besides the tater bugs I've already posted. Remember when I said I knew the camera struggle? Maybe on my next two days off ...
  18. Alan's marble page was written long ago. Back in a time when it still wasn't known for sure whether Helmets were Vitros or Akros. His site crashed and was restored from archives, but Alan lost the juice to update it. And then he fell ill and passed away. When Craig recreated Alan's old pages, he left them as he found them. Joe Street was planning to post a version with corrected information and asked my help and I didn't follow through. Then cancer took Joe also. Now, we can count ourselves lucky to have Craig's archive. However, we have to realize its limitations due to the material being around 15 years old. Al's information is more current than Alan's archived pages.
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