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Everything posted by Steph

  1. The white base with the purple stripes could be my new favorite. The transparent red is Imperial? I think I have one of those. I didn't guess Imperial.
  2. Beautiful. I have some of those soft pastels with the clear area. If I'd known how hard they would be to find again, I would have saved more.
  3. Yikes. Messed up Akro does seem a possibility. But with an transparent brown/amber base, maybe messed up Pelt would be another option? Might need a diagram to figure out how many ribbons there are and how they are connected to any seams/cutlines.
  4. I have some contemporary stoneware marbles made by Klayton Huff which bear some resemblance but they not are not a match.
  5. Yes, doing well. You? Those are amazing looking marbles.
  6. Reached for my Baumann to see if that would have any help ... but it's not where I was expecting it to be with the rest of my marble books. Off to search for it ......
  7. I got some unusual ones once that a guy had selling at what seemed to me to be a low price on facebook. Thought it would be whipped right up but they weren't. So I tried to talk them up for the seller. And then I said to heck with it, I'll take them. I was on a pretty tight budget at that time but some of them I was sure would sell individually for what I got the whole lot for. (About $20, if I recall correctly.) The three copperheads are what really tickled my fancy. But I had once paid $12 for a single black widow and this lot had four of them. And I think that's called a Robin on the bottom left of the second picture. And there some other good ones.
  8. Hi. Welcome. Yes, Peltier rainbo. As far as I know it's not a named one. Made from the late 30's to maybe the 60's. That's the most I know to say about it.
  9. Does it have a teeny nub on the bottom?
  10. Yeah, some nice ones here. On top left, Pelt Multicolor Rainbo. Next one is also Pelt. Maybe Pelt all the way across the top. Not sure if #4 is a seamed marble or a swirl though. Bottom right is another Pelt. I think some would call it a Tootsie Roll. The two on the bottom left are Akro Popeyes. Then I think I'm seeing a Milky Oxblood on the bottom middle. Which I think would typically automatically be considered Akro. Some might consider Alley possibilities for it though.
  11. On the middle row, far left and far right are Peltier. The green and yellow which is sometimes on top and sometimes on bottom is also Peltier. The black and white one beside the green and yellow one has Peltier possibilities but I'm not sure.
  12. Hi Caroline. Yes, ebay is good. Last time I checked you could post a large number of lots per month without paying fees unless you sold. Make a few listings to get your feet wet, and then make a few more. You can have some marbles for auction and some for buy-it-now. If you mix it up and sell some small lots, some medium lots, and maybe some individuals, you can probably get quite a few people checking on auctions and trying to win several of them to take advantage of combined shipping. The last time I sold was almost four years ago now but I set a modest goal for myself of listing one or two new groups a day and I was able to keep pretty busy with sales. That won't get you as much money for them as a longtime seller with great marble knowledge and a lot of longtime customers might get for selling the marbles one at a time, but it's a way to get a pretty good amount of money. Pretty sure you would get more that way than if you tried to sell it all as a big lot. You'll get a lot more potential buyers if off the lots in affordable quantities. Could be a long wait to find a buyer with deep enough pockets to make you willing to part with the whole collection in one lot. But now that I mention longtime sellers -- and Al mentions Dani -- Dani has been known to sell on consignment. So that's another option you might looking into. Al, do you know if Dani still does that?
  13. Until you mentioned the size, my easy answer was going to be Master. I can't remember what the latest understanding is on that size range and Masters. But I think it's safe to say at least "uncommon". So possibly European? Those are my two choices. Master or European.
  14. fun fun fun marbles aren't the only old toys I love
  15. Hi. Welcome. A couple more views might help us pin it down.
  16. Steph


    More ouch Is the ordeal over?
  17. On the second group, Vitro at least for the top 3. For the box of color, I see it as a place where the colored glass got a little more concentrated at the shear point.
  18. Steph


    Pretty sure "no". I don't have an articulate reason for why. Maybe someone else can help. Might be a "picture is worth a thousand words" situation.
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