Bruce, back around 2008, it was mostly about the color, and it was considered acceptable for them not to glow, and I remember one conversation where Ron said that it was about 50-50 whether they would glow. I don't know what the "rules" were before then ... maybe the 50-50 was a temporary loosening of the rules, or maybe it was a step along the way to the current standard. but as far as I know the current standard is that it needs glow.
I don't know if the keepers of the name require that the marble be an Alley. My memory is a little more fuzzy on this aspect, but I seem to recall a time when it was considered possible that a Pistachio could have been made by Ravenswood too.
So, yes, there's a difference between "Pistachio" and pistachio-colored glass. Even Alleys get segregated that way. I'd describe the Akros and Pelts as "pistachio-colored glass" even if they did glow.
One more note: it's not just the base which needs to be right to earn the name Pistachio from purists. I have some UV-reactive pistachio-colored-glass Alleys with medium-shade brown swirls instead dark brown/black. I call those "nice Alleys" because I think they have to have the dark ribbons to qualify as Pistachios.