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Everything posted by Steph

  1. P.s., seeing more structure now my best guess for the marble is Jabo but still I'm not 100% on it.
  2. In the album some such as this one still look unfocused. But you can see the glass above it in sharp detail. I use Windows Paint to resize photos to bring overlarge ones to a manageable size and reasonable sharpness. However, your issue appears to be something other than the size. The background that you're using is causing your camera to focus on the non-marble parts of the view. Pick a neutral background without a lot of detail for the camera to focus on. A regularly recommended background is a gray t-shirt. If you keep picking up details on the material behind the marble and the marble stays blurry, then pull your camera back just a little to try to help the marble get into a comfortable focal range.
  3. Steph

    Blue sky?

    That thick bright white stands out. Like latex paint on the surface of the marble. It's weird that it shows up both in early Japanese marbles and later Mexican marbles. But it always raises the flag saying "think of foreign".
  4. Coooool. Thanks for playing with me! Pelt Mibber, is there aventurine in the glowing ribbon of your second marble? Not sure I've ever seen that before.
  5. Steph

    Blue sky?

    Yes, that's the view. I suspect that this one is a Vacor. That view isn't definitive but it is consistent with my suspicion. Possibly a Tidal Wave. So I'm going vintage on the other two, modern on this one.
  6. They're connected. They coincide for part, so that I'm not sure how much of the brighter glow of the 9 comes from a pinching of the glass and how much comes from something swirly below the surface.
  7. Steph

    Blue sky?

    I was thinking of the bit right at the bottom, not on the other side.
  8. More or sharper views might help. I see Vitro possibilities.
  9. Steph

    Blue sky?

    The white glass on the right could be non-American. I want to pick that last view up and turn it around so I can see what's at the bottom of that marble.
  10. Anyone have any dug handgathereds? Or maybe Lucky Boy boxes with handgathereds? Were the Lucky Boys all Pelt? Were they from the handgathered time or only the feathered time?
  11. Marble King St. Marys cat's eyes. I have a single vintage four-color. I have several modern four-colors. Your new mibs are the vintage version.
  12. Recipe here https://marbleconnection.com/topic/20730-what-are-you-eating-right-now/?do=findComment&comment=222139
  13. It has a nine which I noticed when looking at it under blacklight. It stayed a mystery to me for a long time but gradually I got more comfortable thinking of it as a Pelt since I saw it in a Gropper box labeled "Opal Agates". (Gropper distributed Peltiers.) Eventually I learned that Canary was an early Pelt name and this is the best candidate for that marble. And apparently they're described in American Machine-Made Marbles, and I keep forgetting that! https://marbleconnection.com/topic/21112-peltier-gropper-canaries/
  14. I posted this Canary in the thread of fluorescent marbles, but then it occurred to me how really special it is for another reason. I had a hunch that the majority of marble collectors don't know Peltier made handgathered marbles. And then ... even knowing that Pelt did ... it's very seldom that one runs across a handgathered marble and can be reasonably confident it was a Pelt. So ... anyone else come across any handgathered Pelts? In their own collections or saved pictures?
  15. Doing more unpacking and disposal of things which were left undone since our move three years ago. Found some puzzles I had worked on and then stored in the old attic about 15 years ago. Was making progress until .....
  16. I had a several Cloudys and got rid of them before I realized what they were. Hang onto that. They're an underrecognized early Master.
  17. P.s., this top view is very clear and helpful. Going to give a solid Master on this one.
  18. What a thread is? This "topic" that you've started is a thread. A thread of conversation is one way to think of it. At the bottom of the posting window it gives you the option to "choose files" for inclusion in the topic. That's where you can upload your pictures.
  19. Yeah, some pretty marbles. These intrigue me. I suspect the darker one at least may be a Master Cloudy. Is the lighter one glass? (Wondering if a see a hand-facet on it.) Edit: Oh, I see you did describe the smaller one as glass in the next post. Hmmmm.
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