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  1. Steph

    I wonder

    Ooooh ... I'll go with scrumptious Akro corkscrew. A very frilly auger.
  2. Mike, I didn't mean to slight you when I tagged Alan. I know you have some great marbles. I just wasn't remembering the extent of your specialties.
  3. I tried to follow along with clockwise, but got confused and now I realize I went counterclockwise. Doh.
  4. Steph


    I see why you might think of Vitro. I'm between Master and foreign -- but not limiting to "Imperial" -- wondering about European or Mexican also.
  5. Yeah, I don't know. I wonder if one of our contemporary collectors might recognize it as an early contemp ... or might recognize it as a much earlier handmade. @Alan, does it ring bells with you?
  6. I'm going to go left to right, top to bottom: Maybe a Champion. Then Akro Onyx ... with the neat and numerous twists it might be the kind which was sold in a "Perfection" box. Maybe another Champion? Then on the bottom right is a Peltier. I think it's an NLR and I'll go out on a limb and say it is a Superman.
  7. First note is that the dragons are NLR's. Your golden marbles there are later era Rainbos. I think that once upon a time I saw them referred to as golden bloodies, but maybe only a time or two, about 13 years ago, and so it appears the name didn't catch on. Thus, the only name I know for your golden ones is "Rainbo".
  8. I don't do this often enough to remember which way will work. I just throw everything on the wall and see what sticks. I clicked on your picture and now I'm going to paste the address that showed up in my address bar. *fingers crossed* Looks like it worked.
  9. At that size, going with European or a 1950's Master. But a bit more colorful than I expect for the Master I have in mind, so leaning European.
  10. This one ... I wish I still had this sweet, clean mystery marble with the beautiful turkey head but the red glass which didn't look at all Christensen to me. It wasn't quite mint, but that was hard to see that because the few tiny dings were in the outer layer of clear base which completely enclosed the ribbons.
  11. Gotta love that part of the apocalypse. Gives a smile to think about how this will be one fond memory people have from this period. Bet there will be a lot of young (or older?) marble racers setting up tracks in their livingrooms and backyards now too.
  12. Bibi knocked some of my papers and photos from George over, and this landed on top of the upended pile. Thought I'd share before I put the papers in a more out of the way spot. I don't know the year of the ad. Maybe I'll find it later on a related page. I _think_ I have that booklet by Windy Allen. That should be something I should be sure about, but I'm not.
  13. My cat pushes me off the computer sometimes. She has become hooked on animal videos! So sometimes I leave her to them. She likes the computer so much she even likes to watch my letters appear as I'm typing. It's just hard to type with her there. I had postponed my garden plans because my job was going to be so busy in summer ... and so physical. But I'm not currently on the schedule, so maybe it's time to get out to those beds. Yeah ... good idea. Not going into work has messed with my diet! And I was doing so well! Garden is sounding better and better.
  14. From left to right. Top row -- Akro, Vitro, Vitro Bottom row -- Peltier, and then ????
  15. Steph


    I'll go with Vitro.
  16. Stops in to wave. Should try to think of something marbular to post but have a big paperwork thing pressing on my mind .... ugh.
  17. Matt finishes sometimes come from spending time in water, such as in an aquarium.
  18. P.s. more good press for Jelle! I know he's loving it. @YellowMarble P.p.s. my cat likes watching the marble races with me. But right now she is beating her tail against my mouse and making it hard for me to do anything.
  19. Cute article. Literally LOL-ed at the comment: "I really watched a 8 minute marble race on YouTube".
  20. Third row, 6th marble is in need of more photos. You may have an NLR there.
  21. Vitro for the group of four. Master for the single marble.
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