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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Comet for it being an opaque two-color Master.
  2. The top left looks a little different to me but still probably Peltier. Yes, Peltier on the rest. Top right is or is close to a 7-Up. (Would you call that a transparent green base? 7-Ups have transparent green bases.) The bottom left is a Sunset.
  3. Thanks, Ron. I was finally getting there.
  4. Would like to have a better sense of the structure. The glass makes me think foreign, but older. Maybe transitional.
  5. My first thought was "what do the seams look like?" I see them on the edges of the photos though so I should be able to get this. The glass looks Pelty to me. Structure not so very Pelty, but still maybe in range. So that's where I'm leaning right now. Over 3/4" ? That can affect pattern. My second guess would be Vitro before Akro. By the time I finish writing this post, I might change my mind from Pelt to Vitro.
  6. Looks like a game marble to me. I'd consider it "solid color" in spite of the light blending.
  7. I don't know. The glass looks sort of Pelt-like. But the structure makes me think modern Asian. (Three ribbons mostly coming together on the end.)
  8. Not about patches ..... Good to have marble books to browse, but as far as studying the ID-ing of patches in any systematic way, no.
  9. I'm going with Vitros on the right. Just wondering what their collectors' names might be. I think "Bullseye" on the middle one and bottom one. I sorta wanted the top to be a Superior but not seeing the right pattern. Could be a Tri-Lite though.
  10. Steph

    Help ID 38

    Oh, the one on the top right might be modern Marble King. The rest are Vacor. Top left made me take a second look, but pretty sure Vacor.
  11. Steph

    Help ID 38

    Vacor https://www.billes-en-tete.com/liste_billes.php
  12. Not familiar with. Surely look Akro in structure, but I do not know them.
  13. The 4th edition of Baumanns' Collecting Antique Marbles included new chapters on carpet bowls. That's why the edition was recommended to me when it came out and I got it right away. I should study it more! I wrote to the author of the carpet bowl sections, Roger Matile, and he gave me some info to share, all his words from here: Full sets of ceramic carpet bowls varied a bit, but in general they included four to six pairs of matched bowls and a white jack that might or might not have a logo on it. Logos were generally those of the companies selling the sets, not necessarily the logos of the potteries that manufactured the bowls themselves. I'm attaching a photo of my own full set for comparison to the one on your web site, which appears to be half a full set of bowls that has seen fairly extensive use. Interestingly enough, the bowl patterns provided by your reader are a close match to the ones in my full set, which came from the auction of the contents of a Canadian fishing lodge. Sets were generally divided equally between pairs of sponge-printed and lined bowls. The bowls your reader shows are crosslined and crown patterned. For a full rundown on carpet bowls, including the game itself and bowling carpets, see the four chapters I wrote for the fourth edition of my friend Paul Baumann's "Collecting Antique Marbles," published in 2004. Here's a link to it on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0056JSKWA/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
  14. I expect sharper, more opaque colors on CAC so I'll vote Alley.
  15. I know I've heard of it. Love the packaging from that era.
  16. Steph

    Help ID 33

    Looks like heat.
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