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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I do think Peltier Rainbo on this red, white and blue one.
  2. With that long straight seam, I guess Vitro. But ???
  3. You are welcome. Oh, I didn't answer the "handmade" part of the question. This one is machine-made. There are some modern handmades out of Asia. This one is machine-made though.
  4. Hi. This lovely marble is a modern marble from Asia. It is sometimes called an Imperial because the Imperial Toy Co. distributed them in the U.S.
  5. Some nice older marbles there. The glass marbles in the first group are from the 1900's. The earthenware marbles in the last group could overlap with the 1900's but could be quite a bit older. Not sure what to make of the red/white/blue one on top. Because of the way the order goes red/blue/white on top and then flips to white/blue/red on the bottom side, Peltier comes to mind as a possibility, but I'm far from 100% on that. I'm wondering if the 2nd marble you show, with the orange stripes, might be a Christensen Agate. Peltier is my back-up guess on that. The amber on the left of the glass group photo appears to be what we call a slag. Slags are popular marbles from the early 1900's.
  6. On one of my old sets of backup disks, I have tons of articles from Beckley, West Virginia, spanning many years. They had a sports reporter on the marble beat. I imagined writing a book about tournaments using Beckley's history as the backdrop. Most of us have probably thought one time or another that we had a book in us. I now realize I probably don't. But I sure liked the idea.
  7. Hello. Welcome. You do have quite a few vintage marbles in there. If you have any steelies, pull them out, because they're very hard on glass.
  8. Whale tale, huh? I figure it's a WV swirl. I wouldn't be surprised if someone saw something different in it.
  9. From left to right in top photo: 1. From the seam I think Master. It's either Master or Akro. (The glass looks a little more like typically Akro, but with glass together with the seam makes me think early 1930's Master. 2. Modern Marble King 3. Peltier Rainbo. 1930's through 1960's. Hold it up to a light. Does the interior turn a watery orange? If so, then ollector name for that combo is Peltier Muddy. 4. Vintage West Virginia swirl 5. Another vintage WV swirl 6. Modern marble from Asia.
  10. Because of the colors, I am sticking with Master. It looks like it could be in the Tiger Eye family. Not the earliest, purest example, but possibly still Master Marble, before Master turned into Master Glass. That's my hunch. Not putting any money on the bet, but that's my hunch.
  11. You nailed it! Right down to the question mark! lol I'm not sure on that one either. I'm leaning strongly Master for now. More photos could help. Maybe an underwater photo to cut down on surface glare and reveal the inside?
  12. I don't think I would bother with cleaning. I'd keep them away from glass marbles, in a category of their own. With the X that ups the chance of them having been made as marbles. Some ordinary (non-x) steelies were sold as marbles. But you can't be sure about any of it unless it came in some real kid's collection (or is still in the packaging).
  13. Two West Virginia Swirls on the left, followed by a Marble King Rainbow in the middle, then two Peltiers. The far right Peltier is a Rainbo, the style of marble which started being made in the mid-30's and continued through the 60's. The green and white Peltier (2nd from right), looks a little earlier. I think it's from the National Line Rainbo era, which went from the late 20's through the early 30's. Possibly from the later end of the NLR era.
  14. p.s. welcome to the forum
  15. Hmmmm. I was hoping I might see something I would clearly recognize as a pontil (which would indicate it was handmade). But no, my best guess is that it is an error marble. A machine-made marble which got twisted on a piece of machinery and then was a little too cool to get completely rounded as it went down the rollers.
  16. Hi ... I'm not sure ... but seems likely that's a cold roll of some sort. What does the opposite end look like?
  17. Could all be Asian. That tan color is found on Imperials. A closer view of the cutlines could decide on the tan. Certainly all modern.
  18. My first thought was ???? what ???? Then I quickly considered Vitro and Jabo. But just as quickly moved on to Akro. That's where I'm sticking for now. Akro.
  19. That's an interesting question. I'm going to guess the answer to the Clarksburg address on the Master Glass label has something to do with where offices were. I say with some confidence that the cat's eye bags weren't introduced until the 1950's.
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