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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Had to look up what it meant to grain plates. Is this it? "Graining is the practice of imitating wood grain on a non-wood surface in order to increase that surface's aesthetic appeal." ("Graining" is one of those words I've seen over and over and have even used in a sentence when describing industrial uses of marbles and then finally after years I wake up and realize I don't know what it is.)
  2. Hi. Yes, Vitro Tiger Eyes at 5 to 6 o'clock. Probalby some Vitro Conquerors in the upper left quadrant. I might see an Akro right there in the middle (white with yellow and green). And a lot of WV Swirls which I think are mostly Alley.
  3. Just kidding of course! I hadn't made the connection ... but now I remember the Queen Mary from the 1998 version of The Parent Trap.
  4. That Queen Mary sure was a troublemaker.
  5. I love the old articles. Now my brain has stored that little economic insight about rules of trade in post-war England.
  6. Fun. What is it called? It reminds me a little of the Wahoo game we played when I was young.
  7. Hello. Welcome. No Blue Angel. I think the center marble is an Indian. Akro Blue Eggyolk on center left. Top left appears to be an Akro Prize Name corkscrew. Bottom left may also be. Top right and bottom right are also Akros. Right center is a Peltier Rainbo. Bottom middle looks like a Master from here. More views could change my mind. Top middle is a West Virginia Swirl. Many of those marbles are from the 1930's. Two or three possibly a little later. The Indian most likely older.
  8. @orbboy? ... were you a snake fan? @disco005? .... I know you are
  9. Steph

    Id help

    I was seeing it is as a machine-made mark compounded with cold rolls. I could still be mistaken.
  10. Steph

    Id help

    That's a beaut. My first thought was that Motown's looked vintage, but then the more I looked at it, the more I leaned Vacor. Would love to be wrong!
  11. Steph

    Id help

    Hi. Welcome. My guess is a Vacor Wicked Owl. https://www.billes-en-tete.com/detail.php?id=68
  12. wowowowowow! How wonderful that you could do that. Thank you so much for sharing.
  13. Interesting (and nice pattern). I vaguely remember something like that so I am optimistic for you. But I do not know.
  14. Steph

    Help ID 52

    @Al Oregon, do you remember what year they changed the name of the company to Fabricas Selectas? That probably won't help -- it was quite some time now, wasn't it. But it might nail it down to this decade, at least. ??
  15. Sometimes I get them so wrong. But sometimes my first answer in my head is the same as Ron gives ..... this was one of those days. Too bad I'm not reliable enough to know which day will be which.
  16. Congratulations. I surely wouldn't have recognize the one with the thin stripes without its brethren.
  17. wow ... beautiful ... kudos to whoever knew their marbles well enough to pick those
  18. Steph

    Help ID 52

    @Pinx, are you in the neighborhood? Do you recognize which decade this might be from? @Al Oregon?
  19. Any chance it's white swirls and the base has a mixture of green and brown?
  20. Oy! Tough ones. I'm going to suggest Marble King on the first as well as the second. And Master on the last? If not Master, my second choice would be Akro.
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