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Everything posted by Steph

  1. lol @ exhume ... and wowser ... my eyes just misted a little.
  2. Here are some sites with Jabo examples. https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/anythinggoes43567/jabo-land-f2/ http://www.santasbling.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=83:1991-2000-jabo-pictorial-history&catid=39:jabo-machine-made-marbles&Itemid=53 https://biblefreak.org/Marbles/jabo-gallery/
  3. 1. MK 9. Master I don't see any Jabos. Possibly Akro on #3 and 5? No idea on #7 ... I just don't see Jabo. For #11, the V-shaped seam sort of makes me think of Master but at that size, in that glass type, I say no to Master. So my thoughts are Akro or modern, but wouldn't be surprised if someone else said Vitro or MK. Lots of help, eh?
  4. Congrats! That big handmade jumps out. From the show?
  5. Top row. WV swirl followed by probably two Marble King Rainbows. Bottom, left to right Akro, WV swirl, Akro, Vitro Helmet
  6. Top: Left - Modern Asian Middle - Marble King Rainbo Right - in a way it looks like some of my Alleys, but ? Bottom: Right - Modern Asian Left - Peltier National Line Rainbo
  7. Top middle is a Marble King rainbow. If the bottom left is a corkscrew, then it is an Akro.
  8. I think modern Asian on the left. Probably Vitro on the right.
  9. Maybe WV swirls on top. I think foreign on the green.
  10. Peltier banana on left. Is that a patch marble on the right or a swirl?
  11. Vacor on left. Maybe Chinese handmade on right.
  12. I'm not seeing the white in the amber one . So I don't see slag. I see why you would think Peltier on the green and yellow. But the way the ribbons narrow when they come together is pointing away from Pelt for me. Sort of a Vacor pattern but it looks older than that to me.
  13. With the iridescent finish, it's modern. Likely foreign. I don't know if we can pin it down to a continent though.
  14. Pelt on 8, 9 and 11. Not seeing Pelt on #10 at this time. Maybe Vitro. Need to see more detail on the cat's eye. Trying to see if it looks like Vitro or Pelt. As to the possible Jabos ... could possibly be Champion too. You're probably right about 12 being an Akro.
  15. Vitro Tri-Lite on the right. I'm seeing Akro possibilities on the left. But with the green looking transparent and running a little deeper than the surface, yeah, could be another Vitro. Yeah, I'd go with Vitro for now. Maybe someone else will have a stronger opinion.
  16. Oh yeah! That's what the colors said, but I couldn't see the Marble King structure. I love bumblebees! Cokscrews can have a lot more value, but bumblebees are classic.
  17. So does #9 now with the new pictures.
  18. I"m gonna say Peltier Rainbo.
  19. I think I got 'em right. Master Comet, Akro Royal, Master Comet, Akro Sparkler. And sparklers are special.
  20. Tricky. Bottom middle is modern. Vacor de Mexico. I'm thinking odd Vitro on bottom left. Unsure of age or country of origin for bottom right. I'll go nice Vitro on top middle. Top left made me think Vitro first but I'm wobbling. Now not sure between Vitro, Marble King or even possibly a modern foreign marble. But mostly trying to decide between Vitro and less common Marble King. Top right -- more views?
  21. Top left is a modern Asian Marble. The rest are Marble King Rainbows, from the late 50's or the 60's.
  22. Top left: Vitro Tri-Lite Top right: Leaning Master Comet. (Other choice is Akro Royal.) Bottom left: I'll vote Alley Bottom right: I'll vote Marble King.
  23. I think maybe Akro corkscrew on all but the top right. The bottom middle gave me second thoughts for a bit, but I think probably Akro. My first feeling on the top right was Jabo. Maybe more photos of that one?
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