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Everything posted by Steph

  1. With the iridescent finish, it's modern. Likely foreign. I don't know if we can pin it down to a continent though.
  2. Pelt on 8, 9 and 11. Not seeing Pelt on #10 at this time. Maybe Vitro. Need to see more detail on the cat's eye. Trying to see if it looks like Vitro or Pelt. As to the possible Jabos ... could possibly be Champion too. You're probably right about 12 being an Akro.
  3. Vitro Tri-Lite on the right. I'm seeing Akro possibilities on the left. But with the green looking transparent and running a little deeper than the surface, yeah, could be another Vitro. Yeah, I'd go with Vitro for now. Maybe someone else will have a stronger opinion.
  4. Oh yeah! That's what the colors said, but I couldn't see the Marble King structure. I love bumblebees! Cokscrews can have a lot more value, but bumblebees are classic.
  5. So does #9 now with the new pictures.
  6. I"m gonna say Peltier Rainbo.
  7. I think I got 'em right. Master Comet, Akro Royal, Master Comet, Akro Sparkler. And sparklers are special.
  8. Tricky. Bottom middle is modern. Vacor de Mexico. I'm thinking odd Vitro on bottom left. Unsure of age or country of origin for bottom right. I'll go nice Vitro on top middle. Top left made me think Vitro first but I'm wobbling. Now not sure between Vitro, Marble King or even possibly a modern foreign marble. But mostly trying to decide between Vitro and less common Marble King. Top right -- more views?
  9. Top left is a modern Asian Marble. The rest are Marble King Rainbows, from the late 50's or the 60's.
  10. Top left: Vitro Tri-Lite Top right: Leaning Master Comet. (Other choice is Akro Royal.) Bottom left: I'll vote Alley Bottom right: I'll vote Marble King.
  11. I think maybe Akro corkscrew on all but the top right. The bottom middle gave me second thoughts for a bit, but I think probably Akro. My first feeling on the top right was Jabo. Maybe more photos of that one?
  12. Sweet. If you can't just step back and admire sometimes, what is the point?
  13. Alley at 3. Jabo at 12. Maybe Marble King or Peltier at 6. Maybe more pictures featuring the marble at 9?
  14. Adding: That's probably an okay Master color combo, so I am leaning Master on #1 and #3 in your group.
  15. I think that's an Akro Sparkler on the right. Nice marble. The other three marbles are Akros Royals or Master Comets. Not always possible to decide, but to help pin it down, it's good to see the cutlines head-on. You're in the ballpark. I'm leaning Akro on #2 and Master on #3, with #1 looking like Master seams but I need to remind myself of Master color combos since that combo makes me think of Akro. Here's an example I just posted in another thread of showing the seams head-on. I'm about to get started on a seam tutorial, mainly just to show people how to find them but also maybe coming with some ID's. Off to do that now.
  16. I'll go with WV Swirl in general. Possibly Alley in particular.
  17. Steph


    I agree with you Jabo call at least on most of those. You might find some stand out and want a new ID later, but I think you made a good sort.
  18. (Mine in that photo are probably mostly Akros. The top left is probably a Master.)
  19. One day I really must replace the tutorial on seams and cutlines which I accidentally deleted. For ID purposes, I find the most useful views of patches and rainbow/rainbo-style marbles to be the seams. I'm going to start pulling up different marble types from my basement and start working on that new tutorial today. In the meantime, here is an example of marbles posed to show off one of their seams. Such marbles usually have another seam on the opposite side, which can also be useful to show. Some marbles have a little scoop seam on one end and a V-shaped seam on the other end, for example, and that is a big clue. I might need to retake the picture of the top left one here, I might want to pose that so it will look more like a V-seam. I need to look at it more closely. Will do that as I try to bring up nice representatives of marbles with this style of cutlines.
  20. Steph

    Marble ID

    I think not enough detail in the marbles themselves to pin them down to a maker. The red one seems to be a swirl of some kind. . The blue could maybe be Master, but ???
  21. Yes, I'd go with WV swirls on the last four groups. I"m not seeing a Pelt Rainbo structure on most if any of the top two groups. I'm seeing solid patches. Is it one patch per marble? Or one patch on either end? If one patch per marble, then might possibly be Akro, or Master. If two patches of the same color, one on either end, then maybe Marble King.
  22. Steph

    Marble ID

    #3 and #4 are Akro or Master, circa 1930's. Possibly Akro on #3 and Master on #4. (People who worked at Akro broke off and founded Master.) #5 could be a handgathered slag from earlier in the 1900's, possibly one which spent time in water, giving it a matte finish. Is #2 in the 9/16" range, as opposed to the 5/8" range or larger? If so then maybe a "game marble". Hard to tell with solid color marbles. Need more views on #1. More views on all could be helpful, but especially #1.
  23. The top is a combination which _could_ be a 1940's Vitro Conqueror. But there is a similar Japanese marble from around the 1960's, I think, and I have a feeling yours if the Japanese one. It's sometimes called a Wales style marble, because of the Wales brand found on some of the packages containing that type. Need more views on the aqua one. The black (or purple) and white could be Marble King, but ?
  24. I think Japanese transitional on #9. West Virginia swirl on #1, 6, 12. Probably others. For instance, probably #11 though it's not as swirly. #2 might be a somewhat more modern marble from Asia. Or I suppose it could be a vintage Master.
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