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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I went to Alan's page thinking maybe he had Alleys on the CAC page because his pages are still from the time before they were understood as Alleys. But the similarly colored swirls I see there ... they look a little different to me from yours. Aaaaahhhhh ... I didn't go far enough down the page .... this one ... it does look like an Alley.
  2. Always glad to help. I'm not seeing those as wirepulls. But I could be wrong. Been wrong many times. I"m seeing them in the general family of swirls. A little feathery in the ribbon in your more detailed shot. The Veiligglas marbles tend to have crisper ribbon.
  3. Steph


    @Yupimagirl, do yours have an iridescent finish? That would be a sign that they were modern, probably from Asia or possibly Mexico. Possibly a decorative glass, though possible still planned as a toy marble. If not iridescent, then really dark "clearies" and hard to tell the age. Could be, say, 50's. Or could be this century.
  4. Hi, at first glance I saw "modern". But now I see some vintage in there. On the top row, 2nd from left, the blue and black (on a white base) is a Vitro Blackie, from 1960, give or take. Top left might be an Akro patch, possibly from the 1930's. The leftmost marble on the middle row could be a vintage swirl, maybe 30's to 50's. On the bottom row, the cat's eyes on either end could be vintage, or could be modern.. I can't see enough detail on the far right on the middle row. The rest look modern, styles currently in production, most or all from Asia. As I I suggested to another new poster, best to put a few marbles per thread. Since yours are laid out neatly and there's just one group, I took a shot at them. But my brain is very tired.
  5. Welcome. You have a Peltier Rainbo. That satin finish could come from time spent in an aquarium. (one possibility) A wirepull is sort of a normal marble actually in spite of it's intriguing name. It was made by a thin stream of molten glass with a thin ribbon of color in it. The stream piled up onto itself in a zig zaggy manner which some thought looked like it could have been caused by the movement of a wire. It wasn't. There are lots of swirls made in a similar way. The ones which get the wirepull name are from Europe. Specifically they have been identified as having been made by the Veiligglas company in Amsterdam. Here is a thread @winnie started on the. (She's from Amsterdam.) https://marbleconnection.com/topic/20865-veiligglas-wirepulls
  6. p..s. *waves at Jason*
  7. Please start separate threads, with just a few marbles per thread. Otherwise it can be really hard to give meaningful comments and keep straight which marbles are being talked about. Thanks. ... and welcome.
  8. "West Virginia Swirl" on #1.
  9. And as you say that, I totally see Vitro and nothing else.
  10. I wish I still had this blue pair of Akros .....
  11. Sometimes underwater photos help show what's inside clear marbles like that. I was about to say that's a long seam, which could add to the Pelt possibilities ... but it has a pronounced V-shape, doesn't it. And the ribbon that I see doesn't go all the way to the seam. I"m leaning Master now, because of the V-shaped seam and because two skinny ribbons which don't actually go to the seam are pushing me away from Pelt.
  12. That's almost showing too much of the marble ... yet not quite enough. I'm not getting a sense of the arrangement of the two ribbons. Or the shapes of the seams. The seediness of the base does suggest a Peltier possibility, but from this view the ribbons aren't seeming very Pelty.
  13. My initial thought is that it's a machine-made marble from the 1900's. Would have to see more of it to do better than that.
  14. Hi. Welcome. Fun find. From here it is not looking like a brick. More views could help.
  15. Steph

    Clay marbles

    I think value goes up with size. They were called commies back in the day ... because they were so common. But I think one over an inch would be worth more than a dollar.
  16. I just got some nice marble mail to post pictures of. Figured I'd start a new thread for new Dave McCullough marbles since the last thread got really long. I'll start with the Northern Lights Tank Wash from 4/13/19. So glittery in the sunlight, which of course I didn't capture. Take my word for it.
  17. Steph

    Clay marbles

    If you had an antique stall you might be able to put, say, a $20 price tag on the group and have someone happy to find them. Eventually. But in general, I think only worth a few cents apiece.
  18. Steph


    Hi. Welcome. There is more than one possibility. Let us see a photo.
  19. I think the darker red ones are what are known as "bricks" by collectors. When that style was first introduced it was called American Cornelian. It is a popular and not easy to find marble style.
  20. Very nice. Some beautiful old marbles. Handle them (and the box) with care.
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