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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I'm no good at all with value here. I usually don't try to put a name on the German handmades, but I think I got this one right. Hopefully someone else will be by to give you a general idea of value.
  2. Hi. Welcome. German handmade onionskin, from the 1800's or early 1900's.
  3. My first thought on the first one was Vacor, but then I decided it looked like a Jabo sweet peas. I should have checked out the Vacor page to see if my first hunch was right.
  4. Those are some gooey ones!
  5. Hi. Possibly Vitro on the far right. Maybe Master in the middle, or a modern one with the Master-like cutlines. Now I see that #2 has similar cutlines. So Master if vintage or if modern those colors could mean Vacor Sunset. I think Jabo on the left and on the big yellow one.
  6. Here? https://www.ebay.com/itm/ANTIQUE-MARBLES-MARBLE-GUTTA-PERCHA-SUPERB-RARE-GREEN-BASE-22mm-7-8-inch-1870-/312668626516?_trksid=p2047675.m43663.l44720&nordt=true&rt=nc&orig_cvip=true
  7. Oh those are so bright and juicy.
  8. I don't see NLR on the left. I do see why you might consider Vitro for it.
  9. Hard to tell with one view. Could be a West Virginia swirl.
  10. I've had various thoughts on it. Peltier, Vitro, Jabo
  11. Here's a drizzly Alley that Paul post. @jeeperman Do you see the looooong tail of glass? Not much contrast so a little hard to see.
  12. Love it. Gonna move it to the main forum. ... Then hopefully I will remember to move it back to games later.
  13. I like those ones where it's hard to count how many vanes they have. And I like that color combo.
  14. Great hobby. I'm a little jealous. I got a metal detector some years ago and never used it. Welcome.
  15. Top left might be Christensen Agate. Top right Vitro. In the second pair, I think that's an Alley on the left. Third pair has an Alley on the right. Might be what is called an Alley Ghost. ... the left marble ... I don't know what it is ... but I'm wondering if the off white part glows under blacklight. Bottom looks like Pelt Rainbo with an unusual color arrangement on the left and a Vitro on the right.
  16. What kind of variety do you have in your drizzly marbles? Anyone possibly have a drizzly Marble King? Surely we can get a drizzly Akro ... to go with the more famous Alleys.
  17. Marble masters crowned in Wildwood Congratulations to Lauren Young and Spencer Hays.
  18. I really do love your articles. You know that, right?
  19. Eeek. Your guess is as good as mine. My guess might have been Marble King.
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