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Everything posted by Steph

  1. You have a point ..... peanut butter and miracle whip? what? Well, I like a basic PB&J on white.
  2. Oooops ... I posted a vintage Halloween song list before I listed to all of it. Yikes. Had to delete halfway through. Apparently Halloween songs from the 1920's could be a little racist.
  3. Steph

    Id req.

    I think #5 could be an Akro. The patch style found at an Alley site which was thought to be Akro cullet. All the rest could be Peltier Rainbos.
  4. Steph

    Nifty stuff

    Our old thread for nifty stuff that had nothing to do with marbles has fallen into the back pages and has probably lost pictures because of the photobucket fiasco ... so here's another one. I'll start it with this ... I'm pretty sure this was my mother's. Not totally 100% sure that it came from her childhood, which would have been the 40's but pretty sure it's the one she had when she was showing me how they used to wrap a string around the top and then throw it to make it spin. She also showed me how to play jacks. She was very proud of her jacks playing skill.
  5. Hi there. Welcome. That's a cool track. Very attractive.
  6. That might be. If it's vintage. If it was in my collection I'd assume modern, but if it's vintage, I think you might have it nailed. Wait for a second opinion!
  7. I don't know what you said, Royal, but I'll assume it was good. (The symbols just look like squares on my end, but what you say is always good. ) Thanks, Dindo.
  8. Purple, white, green, yellow, orange ... at least .... go post that one over here! http://marbleconnection.com/topic/24049-what-is-your-most-colorful-master-made-marble/ The lavender and honey is dreamy. Is it UV-reactive? Not that it needs to be, it's still sweet.
  9. Let's get young Superdash some more subscribers. He needs 60 more for his Christmas present. Go over and hit subscribe now. Pretty please? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq7SP5wLibk_O5ywFOMzrbA
  10. More wildness. Does that one have a name?
  11. One sweet spooky song deserves another ... posted this one already but it was three years ago
  12. No. Just a picture I had seen online before which your marbles made me think of. When I saw it before it had the caption, "What makes you think the kid is mine?"
  13. Would not have guessed Marble King.
  14. Nice colors. Love blue and green. And that first one ... it's a little subtle ... took a minute ... and then all the shades came into focus. Very nice.
  15. What a great pair. That's one of my favorite themes -- matching big and little.
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