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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Yeah, the Color Tip marble is not one I'm familiar with. Obviously I saw the discussion last year. But it didn't stick. Don't think I've seen one in person.
  2. So then we have this thread and I'm quite confused ... Cosmic Rainbows - Marble I.D.'s - Marble Connection
  3. Cosmic Rainbow sounds good to me. I guess I could see it being claimed as an MK. I would want to have that done by someone that I have confidence in though. Until then, I would keep it with my other CRs.
  4. Today I decided I do not collect vaseline glass dishes. I had only three before today. Then this morning I had a chance to buy a large number of matching dishes, which forced me to admit I don't have the room for a dish collection. So I still have only three. I'll stick with the small items.
  5. If I want to give the little cat a treat and not the dieting cat, I have to go to the opposite end of the house and open the package as quietly as I can. That will work half the time.
  6. Sweet story about Ozzie. "His" was 12 pounds when we got her at age 3 and then she suddenly ballooned to 19. Now back down to 17 with a better diet and more activity. And she is STRONG. Definitely want her on my side in a fight.
  7. OMG, those giant nutcrackers ... . Only two ... at this time. His and hers tabbies. The little one is mine. She is a little bigger now, but happily she's still lapsize instead of quarterback size.
  8. Steph

    ID Please

    Is it possibly a Tootsie Roll?
  9. Steph


    Agree with Akros. Not enough a feathery look for me to go to Pelt.
  10. About 150 years for the oldest ones I can think of. Those would be math textbooks or something more literary. It's possible though that I have German books which are older. Would need to see. I lost some of my best math books in a basement water incident. That loss helped me become more prepared to part with more. What is your 200-year-old title?
  11. I also have amassed quite a lot of old wood, much in the form of advertising boxes. I'm trying to find something creative and useful to do with it or else it will go out the door. I covet less these days. Some collections which I let grow but then downsized significantly were Cracker Jack toys, sewing buttons, and textile bobbins.
  12. I have a few thousand more books than I know what to do with.
  13. This U-shaped fold here is common in Jabos. It can occur with other makers. However it is very common with Jabos. (So common that it is known as the "Jabo buttcrack".)
  14. Hi. Welcome. Let's see what folks are able to do with these. For future reference though, things will be easier to identify if you just post a few marbles per thread. I'll start with this picture: That's a circa 1960 Marble King Rainbow Red on the right. On the left, I think probably two game marbles. Can't see if anything interesting is happening in those two but in this view they look basically single-colored and they appear to be a typical size for game marbles.
  15. Well played! Just 2 more to go.
  16. Yes, marbles are surprisingly complicated. A simple little toy .... Welcome to our world.
  17. Abracadabra! A recipe thread! And it's pinned to the top.
  18. There used to be photos there which made the single words make more sense. I don't know why they disappeared.
  19. It is a beautiful booklet. I hope others will take advantage of this offer.
  20. Hard to guess what the intention was all those years ago -- whether it was meant to be sold as opaque, or if it was meant to be something of a lighter color and came out darker than expected.
  21. Steph

    Old or new?

    Okay, not seeing anything in the amber now besides some tiny bubbles, so I'll stick with "clearie". Could be vintage. Clearies are one of the kinds of marble that almost everyone made, and they're still being made, so it's very hard to pin down. They're "common". I love them. But "common". I had wondered if the red and green frit might have turned out to be modern handmades. I'm not seeing signs of that now. So I'll stick with what I said above -- about modern Asian or Mexican and will specify machine-made.
  22. Steph

    Old or new?

    On second viewing, the one with the green and red dots in your first picture stands out as different from the usual frit marble. It would like to see a couple more photos of that one. Maybe a couple more views of the amber one on the left in the second photo. That looks like it has more going on inside than I first noticed. Probably still modern or at least in the general "clearie" family , given the marbles it is with, but I want to make sure.
  23. It's easy to fall in love with marbles. P.s., I used to collect antique books also. I still have many.
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