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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Looks kinda patriotic there with the red stripes.
  2. Neat. Could be. Or sample to give out as a premium?
  3. I'm not an expert. But I think it's "copper oxide" or "cupric oxide". CuO. I think that gets your turquoise and green. And copper in a more pure form may be used to get reds.
  4. Yes ... so I bookmarked it for future reference, rather than posting it directly coz it's HUGE. 33 Mb.
  5. Check out this GIF which its creator shared on facebook tonight: https://giphy.com/gifs/3oKIP4Un6KHo7DgtkA
  6. Hi, lady. What a nice encounter. I haven't encountered John Deeres very much. Have you tried to peer deep into it with a strong flashlight?
  7. Picture might have been a little large?
  8. Could be related to the copper used to make greens and blues.
  9. Steph

    Humor Ar Ar

    More puns! Some are tricky. http://twentytwowords.com/this-post-is-literally-so-much-pun
  10. Oh, thank you Jerry, for bringing that to me. My first SO.
  11. ooh, blew that up to full size for full flavor
  12. I wish I was chill enough to have a pocket marble. I'd fling it across the room though digging for a kleenex or something.
  13. Steph

    Throwing pots

    like the pots and like the idea
  14. Steph

    Throwing pots

    Wanna show us a pot?
  15. Steph

    Throwing pots

    Neat. I only ever did one clay item and we never fired it. Not on a wheel.
  16. We're straying from the topic in a big way. Might be cool to start a new thread on the blueboy versus superboy examples. Or could add them in the marble comparison thread here: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/20318-marble-comparison-thread/
  17. Sounds like a challenge! (sweet onyx, Paul)
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