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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I have two more runs of DAS's already to photograph. The Ed and M run and the Thanksgiving run. But we're in the middle of this endless move and I have to set up my camera again and figure all that out on the new computer. In the meantime, I just ran across this -- this might be THE lawnchair of the Lawn Chair Run from 2009.
  2. Austria's word of the year: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/austrian-academics-choose-bundespraesidentenstichwahlwiederholungsverschiebung-word-of-year-election-a7466176.html
  3. Autological An autological word is a word which describes itself. For example, "pentasyllabic" means having five syllables and it has five syllables.
  4. Steph

    Vintage TV

    Rita Wilson, AKA Tom Hanks' wife, was on The Brady Bunch: http://definition.org/brady-bunch-then-now/12/
  5. Steph

    Moving ....

    Fahrenheit! It's getting coooooooold. 18 F right now. 8 high and -5 low on the day that we're using the moving van. In Centigrade, that's -8 now and -13 for the high with -21 for the low on Wednesday. *eeeeeek* We're getting up to 31 F / -1 C tomorrow but with snow. Joy!
  6. Makes your glass group all the nicer.
  7. Neat extra. Now you make me realize I don't know if Peltier still makes even that kind of glass. So I try to find it on google. And what I find is Peltier Glassworks, which does screen printing on bottles. Kinda weird.
  8. It would be a horrible gift for me. I would feel so tormented about whether to eat them or not. But I like that they exist.
  9. "Short" is short but "long" is shorter.
  10. That's magical. Conjuring up Tolkien-esque images. A day in the shire.
  11. Steph

    Moving ....

    Haven't figured out how to get the "new" computer running yet ... and I just saw the weather report for next week, when we'll be moving the big stuff. -3 degrees. *whimper* Well, that's during the night. In the day it will get up to 8 or 9 degrees. Well, on Friday, it will may get up to 20 degrees. So maybe we can put things off until then. *whimper*
  12. I'm seeing Peltier Rainbo on the top right of the three featured. Vitro Buttermilk on the left. Vitro Superior on the bottom.
  13. Steph

    Moving ....

    The "new" one is 5 or 6 years old.
  14. Steph

    Moving ....

    I fell on the snow. Onto a box. I think my ribs are broken. But not going for an x-ray. However, if I disappear off the face of the earth, assume I'm still alive. We're about to switch our internet service over ... and I have a new computer I'll be trying to hook up. Well, not new but newer than this 11-year-old computer. Sooooo ..... what can go wrong?
  15. Steph

    Moving ....

    Oh goodie ... it's snowing.
  16. Knuckle down and send the small glass planetoid straight as a crow flies
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