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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I'm not always sure how to tell the difference between clay and something like limestone in photographs. The value is mostly just knowing that you have a little piece of history.
  2. Hi Linda. Thanks for stopping by. My inheritance was going to be my mother's Cracker Jack and gumball machine toys from the 1940's ... and they also disappeared sometime during a series of moves. So I started to try to reassemble a collection in remembrance. .... that search for small toys helped lead me to marbles ....
  3. Steph

    Help please

    Probably one of Laura Berretti's http://www.landofmarbles.com/laura-berretti.html
  4. Is that an opal type? For some reason I want it to be a Realer.
  5. Hi. Welcome. The speckled marbles with the dark base are from Mexico, made by a company known as Vacor. They could be as old as the 1980's, or could have been made more recently. The style name I know them as is "Galaxy". But there might also be another style name for them. The rough marble in front looks like it might have spent some time in an aquarium. Some companies put a rough finish on marbles on purpose. That finish looks like it might be water wear though. The blue one with white speckles. Not sure about that. I'm pretty sure modern though. Maybe Mexican. (Or maybe Asian.) The front right one ... not sure about that either ... more views might help. That one might have a chance of being older. So far, I'm not seeing anything which would be worth much money.
  6. Saw a video on facebook which showed more frost flakes dancing around the bubble globe, but this video will do for now. Need to try this!
  7. Steph

    Moving ....

    Scanner is hooked up. Camera is misplaced.
  8. No, two questions. How did I end up with a bacon tuxedo box? And what happened to the bacon?
  9. Thanks, Ron, for the news about George. I hadn't heard from him in awhile and was starting to get worried. Let him know we're thinking about him.
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