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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Oh nose! It disappeared. (Can others still see it? ... I hope it's just me.)
  2. What a lovely display Very enjoyable on a Saturday morning
  3. Steph


    We have the ability to tag someone with the @? What other spiffy features do we have that I'm not aware of yet? Quick, somebody read my mind and fill in the gaps.
  4. I'd call that a Popeye Patch.
  5. My first quick thought was Vitro. But then my next, more solid thought was Akro. I'm going with Akro. Yep. Akro. Final answer.
  6. Oh gosh, I don't know either. It's not an Akro style I recognize, but Dani often comes up with Akros I haven't seen before. I don't recognize it as any style I'm familiar with for any marble. Such a nice clean base.
  7. I remember it. It's been available at least twice in the past few years, right? I don't know what's fishy about it though. I haven't tried to compare fonts or anything. Anyone have a "good" version of similar boxes?
  8. oh so nice. The top one needs to be brought out again next July 4th. Okay, so blue stripes aren't a thing ... but ... nice.
  9. That has enough colors in it that one of our swirl people might be able to recognize it. Possibly I should recognize it. "One of these days" I need to make a data base ordered by color. But for now I'd probably still have it in my generic West Virginia swirls box.
  10. Goodness! That's some tornadic action. Are you sure machine-made?
  11. I'm trying to remember what I have by way of ads for German handmades. Do I have anything from manufacturers? Or are they all for distributors / catalog companies / other retailers?
  12. That's a good general question -- I'm not aware of a way to ID makers -- I'm not sure we could name all the makers of marbles like this. But I'll transfer this question to the main chat forum to open it up more generally for insights. P.s., I can see why you like it. It's lovely from top to bottom.
  13. Based on location and texture, I wouldn't have ruled out European. However, if you're thinking American then no guesses from me.
  14. My new Rainbow Red double ingot. Let's see yours!
  15. Scrabble doesn't like that one either. But now I can't wait to play zebroid. A hebra being zebroid.
  16. It's too hot. Too hot. toooooooooooooooooo toooooooooooooooooooooooo hottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt Did I mention it's hot?
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