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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Actually this sounds familiar to me. The marble inside a marble. Like a red marble inside a gold marble. Or some such combination. I think you may have a Master clearie there. (That's what the tapering onionskin shape makes me think of.)
  2. What a great story! It did remind me of those people we hear about on the news now being locked up for years as spies and I say I have no pity on them because they should have known better .... but now I have to have pity on them because you almost was one.
  3. Steph


    Oooh. The size increases Jabo possibilities. So now I'm between Jabo and Alley. What other kinds of marbles did you acquire it with?
  4. Yeah ... Aubry was robbed! Jason and Scot were bitter jury members. But Michelle did win when she needed to. And Aubry didn't. All the people going to the end were recognized threats for their ability or for their jury relationships. They knew they needed Michelle out, and they didn't get it done. P.s., Michelle has some major brains -- between winning the last puzzle and that memory challenge -- she's packing some major cranial power which she didn't make obvious except when she had to.
  5. I thought about the bottom one being an all-red instead. (Some may have performed double duty as all-reds or yellow jackets as needed.) But no matter what that clear is different. Both the veneering machine and the internal glass machine were shooting blanks on that one.
  6. Blacklines are the more collectible ones. Funny thing ... Vitro also used "All Red" to describe their line in the 30's. So ... technically ... both you and Bumblebee are showing all-reds today.
  7. There really is little more lovely than a group of Tri-Lites. Vitro dun good.
  8. Steph


    Until then, we shall deem it Pillow Swirl.
  9. Steph


    My two guesses for what it would be are Alley or Ravenswood. I can think of a couple of people who might have one in their collection. Hopefully one of them will show up to comment.
  10. Someone could use that for curtains in their marble room!
  11. Oh gosh you're getting some nice packaging. The standard answer on clays is German. But now that we've gotten a reminder about French billes, I wouldn't try to narrow it down. (There were American clays also but I doubt they made it to the time of your box.)
  12. Coming with some good names there. Subscout ... I love it. Wonder if I have any Tanks.
  13. Steph


    Ooooh. Purple and red ... and white and faint tan?
  14. Are we thinking about Pelt slags, by any chance?
  15. I don't know! ... drawing a blank What is the context?
  16. I recently learned about the Indian Blanket flower -- my stepmom and I got to talk to each other about both our hobbies at once. Her and her flowers, me and my marbles.
  17. I've been familiar with the box for a long time, but the connection with Veiligglas is a relatively new discovery, so it's good to be reminded of it.
  18. Like! (I actually love clearies. And they were a big seller for Vitro back in the day.)
  19. Steph

    Pelt Patches

    Oooh, hi Darla, that's a sweet one.
  20. I'll defer to Ann here. P.s., it's very lovely. Like a ball of honey.
  21. Wonderful action in the ribbon. Hard to pick a best view for that one, huh?
  22. Good call! I think the translucent on the green might be a clue ... but basically ... good call. Definitely better together.
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