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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Here is nice pic of Joanne Singleton's sample box. I just figured that Melissa was looking for something showing more detail. And though I didn't save Dave's pix of the Cloudys aka Melon Balls he was selling, I remembered them as being high quality.
  2. @westcoast_dave has been selling some Cloudys recently. He might have some good close-ups.
  3. ❤️ kitten! ❤️ Here's the first light tent I planned to use for marble pix. My boy Joe quickly claimed it as his own. I didn't object. Joe was old. And he loved his cave so much.
  4. Scott Patrick's work?
  5. ??? I need ... I don't know what I need. The marble looks modern to me.
  6. I'd adjust the settings on my camera. That base totally looks blue in the photo. With a blue and brown swirl, I was scrolling through the Vacor listings, and googling to try to find the Chinese marbles which resemble the Vacors. What a difference it makes to be told the base is white.
  7. How wonderful they all look together.
  8. I think it's a double ingot -- two Marble King bumblebees stuck together.
  9. Steph


    Josh, to me it sounded like you were presenting these as Wicked Owls. And sounds like others would like to hear more about it.
  10. Steph


    The colors are dead-on for Vacor Wicked Owl.
  11. Hard to guess the odds on that. Better odds of a shooter patch? Or better odds of a rainbo whose ribbon peeled off? I guess I"m leaning toward the rainbo.
  12. Crazy weerd. I guess I mighta thought of doing something like that ... if I hadn't heard very early on, on this forum, that some Pelts don't like harsh cleansers. Mighta learned it from you.
  13. Here's an old pic of some of my Joker 2's. I was told that was a blood viper in the middle. Dark marbles which need sunlight to bring out the color as I recall. Pretty sure no blue cobra in hiding among whatever others I have, but I'll have fun checking my small lot.
  14. I think Alley. I used to think Champion, but then someone told me Alley. So Alley or Champion.
  15. Steph

    WVS ?

    Red and white is kinda hard to pin down. Just a thought on photos -- you have the marbles lined up so that they go across the width of the picture instead of the length. You you reoriented them, they could make better use of the camera screen. Also, of course, if you could crop that would be good too.
  16. Steph

    WVS ?

    Let me change that to "maybe Vacor". I'm not getting a clear handle on the ribbon structure.
  17. Steph

    WVS ?

    I'm thinking Alley, Vacor, and then a second WV swirl but not oxblood.
  18. I'm thinking a WV swirl .... but whose?
  19. What part is glowing under blacklight? The base? The white-ish ribbons? Something else? If the white ribbons then I'm going to cross my fingers and make a wish and my wish will be Jackson.
  20. Steph

    4 master?

    I like Master for the two on the right. On the top left I first thought Master but then I decided to sit on the fence and use a magic marker to trace out the cutlines. On the bottom left, I like Akro.
  21. Steph

    4 vitro?

    I sure wanted to agree with Vitro but with that spongy white baseglass with the little bitty bubbles I can't rule out Akro. Here's a different Akro Tricolor box I recently saved. David Snow posted it. Tricolors were sorta my thing. I saved every picture I could find. And backed them up on disk a couple of computer changes ago, back when I used CDs to back up. And then lost every one of my backed up files that started with S or T.
  22. That's what I was thinking about thinking about when I started reading your thread. With a label like "nuggets" the prize inside might have been iron pyrite or dyed polished rocks, maybe something to go with the theme of a mining town's souvenir stores.
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