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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Hi intuit. Welcome. I'm sorry to have to tell you that these are modern marbles. I think they were made by Vacor. In Mexico. Within the last 20 years. This style type may still be in production. If they are not Mexican, then they are Asian. Modern in any case.
  2. Are you hoping CAC? I won't dash that hope. Will root for you until one of the CAC guys gets here.
  3. http://abcnews.go.com/US/washington-woman-finds-rare-purple-pearl-worth-600/story?id=37163589 Okay, so it's not really big enough to play Chinese Checkers with. Darn.
  4. Not familiar with the "Cherry Bomb" name. But I can dig it. Pretty.
  5. Edna, a post you made in Bob's thread showed up here also. Or half of it did. So I deleted the one from here. That's all.
  6. I had a beautiful little collection of highly pocket worn marbles. Maybe they were aquarium marbles. And I sold them. Funny I'm sad about that. Sad about parting with the mint Akros from the collection of an 8-year-old boy who babied the marbles his traveling uncle brought him and never played with 'em. Sad about parting with my warmly roughed up ones. Aaaaaarggh, why did I ever sell a marble. Oh yeah, I remember why, but still ..... aaaaargh.
  7. Coolness. Just found out that the "Unread Content" button shows new gallery entries as well as new posts. (Thanks to tallnbald76 :thup)
  8. Stoppers from Bernie ... Bernie in Minnesota ... not Bernie in Vermont.
  9. Good deal. Some people are surprised by how much damage a fish tank can cause to the surface of marbles.
  10. That one is not considered a "banana". It is an Asian Cat's Eye. Probably from the 1970's or later. (Still being made now.)
  11. The first is called a "transparent swirl". .... Don't you like descriptive names. Put it next door to your West Virginia swirl. I'll guess it's about the same age as that one 1940's give or take. Likely also made in WV. The second ... well, I'm not getting the head-on look at the seams that I like to have for this type of marble. However, the existence of the seams and the texture of the glass, at least the texture of the blue, is making me think Modern and Asian. Another Imperial.
  12. Not sure. Looks like it was supposed to be a patch but the glass got folded. Which company's patch? How old? Don't know. My hunch is "newer" but I'm not getting strong feelings in any direction.
  13. This would be an Imperial from China. Modern. Called Imperial because the Imperial Toy Company sometimes distributes them. How unround is it? I'm having a little trouble getting a sense of the depth. Does it look purposely flattened -- enough to count as a "gem". https://www.google.com/search?q=decorative+marble+gems&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=923&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjW4Zyaso7LAhUDeD4KHS5JAuoQ_AUIBygC
  14. I'm going to go with Vacor on this one. Modern marble. Made in Mexico.
  15. Bumping for no other reason than they're so gosh darn pretty. Sunshine in dreary February.
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