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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    P and T

    This site is calling them bingo balls ... which kinda misses the point of "b-i-n-g-o" https://talorton.com/products/bingo-balls-large
  2. I'm still between Akro and Peltier, and still with the sense that I would like to see more views of it, to figure out the shape of the borders.
  3. Welcome! What's not to love about Vitros?!
  4. Steph


    Size points toward Alley if vintage or Jabo if modern. And I am comfortably inclined toward vintage. So, yes, my final vote is for Alley.
  5. Steph


    Alley seems a good candidate to me. What is the size?
  6. What size? West Virginia swirls, but whose? I'll just welcome you to the forum and wait for a swirl guru to show up.
  7. Steph


    Not sure they're all the same maker. Top right is darker tan and ribbons are lighter green and more opaque than the ones on the left. Bottom right is lighter green and also more opaque than the left four, and does that bottom right base glass have a bit of green tinge? Does this matter? I do not know. I remember for a long time being confident that the tan and green combo at the top right was Alley, but then having to erase that confidence when someone else such as Ron firmly identified one as something else. Was that something Heaton? Ravenswood? Jabo? I do not recall.
  8. Prices are wildly distorted on Facebook. The first 5/8" classics auction I pulled up in my search results just now was a lot of 10 which went for $18. Facebook is the place to go if you want to get people to pay $5 + $6 s/h for what we think of as a 10 cent marble.
  9. My favorite Jabo Classic is the boulder-sized Green Eggs and Ham. From 2006? I think I paid six bucks apiece for four. Coulda had them for less -- they were coming up often from one particular seller on Facebook -- but I wanted to head off the competition and get it over with and not wade through more auctions. I have seen the 5/8" lavender Jabo classics made with fluoresent Fenton Burmese Glass cullet also go for a few dollars apiece. That was this past year. In 2016, I sold some lots with misshapen and blah-colored marbles from two of the 2008 investor runs and was getting a lot of interest. The two runs were Last Dance and Tribute to Friendship. People were even snatching up the lots which were exclusively boring blues and browns, at I guess an average of 50 cents apiece. More interesting colors were probably closer to $1 apiece. And these were all from my jars that I had called "cullet" when I had them in storage. Some of the flaws were small and many coulda been sold as decent marbles but I didn't want to re-sort. It was all gravy to me. I still had my higher grade trays which I was sorting through in order to assemble my keeper boxes. In one stand-out listing from the 2008 runs, I listed a group of three peewees which did come from one of my better boxes. I had it for a buy-it-now of $30 if I recall correctly and that was taken fast. Chatting with the buyer I learned that it was one particular peewee in the group which made him take it. That made me decide to hold off on offering more of those at that time. Merely on what I was calling "cullet" I had already gotten enough money to pay the down payment for the house we were buying and that seemed a good stopping place, since I needed to pack everything up for the move! There were other more interesting marbles that I was considering parting with from my keeper set, which I showed to someone who asked for photos of what I had. I was preparing to sell him some nice ones for a few dollars apiece, but then he put a requirement on the sale which was a deal breaker. I was glad to end that interaction because I didn't really want to part with those at that time. If I ever sell those I will take my time and ask nice dollars. I think I could get $50 or more apiece for some of my very best. I have smaller selections from many more runs, which were gifts. These will stay with me for a long time.
  10. Steph

    4 for ID

    My brain is mushy right now but I'll say Vitro at top left and Akro for the rest.
  11. Ah, I didn't see that extra bit of color before.
  12. My order of certainty for Akro went 100% on bottom right, 95% and then "all in" on top right, "hmmm" at first and then "yeah, it fits" on bottom left. I'm sticking with Akro on all three of those. Here's a box of Akro TriColor Agates to enjoy and compare.
  13. Easy Akro for me on right side and on the front. The top left ... I could see Akro but I'm also wondering about Pelt.
  14. Curious ... could it be a Pelt Acme Realer?
  15. So many possibilities for yours. Right now I'm seriously leaning Akro.
  16. OMG, it is so embarrassing. All that work that I spent in organizing in these past months and I still can't walk straight upstairs and lay my hands on the tin containing my Anacortes bag. From that group pic I posted these were the ones I thought might be closest. Amber with bubbles. Not very close but my Anacortes sample is indeed very small. Here are Joe McDonough's Peltier Honey Amber Bananas
  17. OMG, Gail, this was more than two years ago? I kept tellin myself I need to do that "soon". I was certainly correct not to make promises. (I am still struggling with cameras.) But now I definitely intend to get some close-ups of my little sample. And if anyone else has photos with better detail, the more tha merrier.
  18. Steph


    I'm leaning Vacor on the back right because of how those ribbons join in this view. To get Peltier out of it, I need to see more ribbons, for one thing. Two ribbons meeting up at one point and not seeing other ribbons ends coming to the same seam points me at Vacor.
  19. seeing the eyes now. The earliest were the most nearly transparent.
  20. I'm gonna say a solid yes for all but the biggest one in back. I would want to see some more structure on the biggest. I don't recognize that beautiful gold tone. Could be my fault. Maybe someone else will recognize it right away. As for the three on front, not having fire might disappoint and might thus detract from monetary value, but I would certainly keep them together as Akros Flinties and Moonies.
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