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Everything posted by Steph

  1. At that size, Champion wouldn't even occur to me. Looks quite Jabo to me.
  2. Hi Golfer! Welcome. Interesting hobbies. Marbles sure can be addictive. *googling lightning rod balls now* Ooooh, pretty.
  3. I wish I had kept my Master Cloudys. And my Akro oxbloods. And my tweener Peltier Ketchup and Mustards. But mostly if I had every bumblebee I would be happy.
  4. Yes. Niiiiiice! Say "wow" to your brother in law for us! He's a keeper.
  5. I wish I had saved every bumblebee I ever found.
  6. The greens intrigue me. Is the green ribbon also on a green base?
  7. That looks like a lot of work. Was it everything you hoped for?
  8. Our turkey chef is still in bed, so I don't know when dinner will be.
  9. Jealous! We're having a green Christmas in Wisconsin.
  10. Hope someone can help. There's gotta be one out there, right? I've been looking for a button forum off and on for years. So far no luck.
  11. And thanks for the reminder that Gropper jobbered for CAC also. Weird. Small company. Operating short time. Had both its own line and jobbers. Okay. I knew that. Why does it seem so strange to me? If Albright just bought their marbles after CAC had already closed that would have had to have been a whole lot of marbles since Albright advertised having glass marbles. With no mention of "while supplies last".
  12. Akro. No doubt in my mind.
  13. Yes, they're pawnmasters also. Whoever IDs their marbles knows a whole lot, which makes their periodic errors interesting to me in an abstract way. Do we know if they started out as marble collectors? Or pawn people who just put in a lot of time studying since they had marbles to sell?
  14. Dang, what lens did you use to get that?!!!
  15. Very pretty. Part of that group marbles that I don't know what the company name could have been. Not. A. Single. Clue. How could we not know?
  16. Thank you! I just got an eyeful of blends the other day and suddenly jumped up several levels in how appealing I found them. It was like I was seeing them for the first time. Do we know about packaging for blends?
  17. I agree that #2 has a Tiger Eye structure. (However Tiger Eyes are a type of Sunburst -- the earliest prettiest type to the best of my knowledge.)
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