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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Glad I saw it. But now I wonder what people in the know thought when they saw it. At the end of the segment, the spectators and park employees were saying things like, "I've been here 17 years and I still don't understand how the game is played"? Cute, but what?
  2. Rick, they're linking you to a thread about Vitro Confettis. I have this old link where I saved an article from Pete's land of marbles newsletter. I don't see the name Davis. https://marbleconnection.com/topic/11476-vitro-confettis
  3. I have very little non-marble vaseline glass. I do love it though. These are my best items, a pair of plates from a yard sale. About 8" wide.
  4. Steph

    4 peltier?

    One question here is if you are seeing two distinct seams. The second question is if you are seeing at least one distinct ribbon pair. So far I could see Peltier, Marble King, Bogard, Master, ...
  5. Steph

    4 peltier?

    Those four marbles are challenging my self-image as a competent Pelt identifier!
  6. Steph

    4 peltier?

    I should know the blue one. But I don't. I'm not familiar enough with how to tell the difference between a Vitro Whitie and a two-ribbon Pelt Rainbo. I'm leaning Pelt on bottom left. That's a whole lot of red ribbon on the top right. I could see that going any of four ways. And I can't make out what is inside the bottom right.
  7. At that size, I'm saying Alley or Jabo. Leaning Jabo.
  8. My thought was Rainbo as I looked at the pix. So ???
  9. I don't have an answer. I wanted them to be Alley. I liked the thought that Rosenthal employee Berry Pink might have used his Alley connections to get patches into those boxes. But we've been assured the patches couldn't possibly have been Alley. So I kinda vaguely went with the idea that they were Akro, which you're now calling into doubt. So ?????
  10. Steph

    ID please

    The new pix are good ones. I'm with Rick -- Vitro caged cat's eye.
  11. I'm seeing Akro Moss Agate on top. Vitro Tri-Lite on bottom.
  12. Can you trace a complete join line around the marble to prove to yourself that it is separate globs of glass which were joined together?
  13. Steph

    ID please

    Good question. Possibly Vitro and therefore American. But I can't be sure with the views shown. Would be helpful to focus on the ends of the vanes to see if we have an American cutline or an Asian cutline.
  14. 1930's Vitro. Company name: Tri-Lite Collector name: Helmet
  15. There _ARE_ paperweight marbles -- looking like paperweight construction spherical and not flat. But I'm guessing that was supposed to be a paperweight. And I can't remember right now what the paperweight marbles look like. And I gotta run to work now. Could be a fun topic.
  16. It rests flat on the surface?
  17. Not sure of the question. That looks like an actual paperweight. Not a marble.
  18. The glass looks modern to me. Marble King seems a good candidate.
  19. I haven't watched the videos yet. Just bumping the thread to mention that I have the book entitled A Stone's Throw: The History of Marbles in the Upper Cumblerland Region of Tennessee and Kentucky, by Darren Shell. I'm so bad, I got it years ago yet I haven't even removed the cellophane wrapper. So now I have it on top of my to-do stack to remind me to watch the videos and read the book.
  20. That's what I was thinking, but didn't know how to say it. Makes it that much more special.
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