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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Welcome Hoody. Nice to meet you. We have a brand new forum for marble runs. Be sure to check it out! http://marbleconnection.com/forum/31-marble-runs-marble-games/
  2. Yes, I think so. Being a peewee adds extra value, so you'd want to highlight that and not have it be diluted with other larger marbles. Just be sure that they're reall 1/2" or less to avoid frustration down the road.
  3. Steph

    Akro Ades

    I should have looked this up earlier. I forgot it existed. Here's a 1914 ad mentioning the Red Striped Carnelian: So whatever was in the box, it was one of Akro's early Clarksburg offerings. P.s., I need to go back and add a credit to the Red Striped Carnelian box post .... the box belongs or belonged to Jeff Lewis. Very special find.
  4. If not Akro, I don't know what it could be. Unusual looking though.
  5. So somehow the dark ends before it gets to where the opposite seam would be? Could you take some more pics to walk us through what you see as you start with View #7 and rotate the marble to the left? (So we can see what happens to the brown side on the way to where the seam should be)
  6. Ox, right? I have no idea how to differentiate the different brick makers. But I look forward to seeing what others think about it.
  7. What is directly opposite from pic 7?
  8. Steph

    Akro Ades

    This is my best guess for the answer to that question: Photos courtesy of Jeff Lewis
  9. I don't see Vacor there. Vacor marbles tend to be more fancy and/or newer looking. This glass looks old to me. I'd like to hear more about the Vitro possibilities. Maybe there's a blind spot in my Vitro memory.
  10. Steph

    Akro Ades

    For rocks, Carnelian and Cornelian are the same. M F Christensen's American Cornelian was oxblood -- those are the famous bricks. I believe that Akro called their bricks Red Striped Carnelians in the 1910's. So those are different from when Akro used the Carnelian name again in the 1930's. Akro's Cornelians from the 20's look like so -- not quite a slag but similar: So you can see the difference between that and the Akro Carnelian of the 30's. Akro's Moss Agates came in different patterns: Swirl and cork as well as patch. Collectors call the swirly and corky ones different things now -- Ades, Aces, Ringers, Blue Eggyolks, etc. -- but for Akro they were Moss Agates.
  11. Yeah, I'm sure not pushing Kokomo. Just can't figure out what it could be if American, so I was free-associating.
  12. adorable! and the bunny is super cute
  13. Steph

    Akro Ades

    Any opinion on what to call Winnie's top center marble? And Hack's? With the opaque orange-red ribbon?
  14. Steph


    Still itchin' to see the 1 and 1/4" Ravenswood. 1" and 1 and 1/4". Made with the 1 and 1/4" orifice. No way that was a typo! Too detailed to be an error. Right?
  15. Kokomo Examples Original Kokomo Packaging? Links: Other Marble Companies
  16. If American, could it be Kokomo? I know that's a horrible suggestion to make -- because there were so few Kokomos made and not every oddball can be Kokomo. I've never been in the presence of an actual Kokomo bag but that reminds me of marbles that I've imagined I've glimpsed in pictures over the computer. For example:
  17. Steph

    Akro Ades

    Carnelian box photos come out with such different shades? Was there a wide variation of shades in the boxes? Or is it mostly about the lighting?
  18. Steph

    Akro Ades

    So now that's a good question, which I don't know the answer two. Are Hack's marble and Winnie's top middle marble Orange-Ades? Cherry-Ades? Something else? I started to wonder if they were Carnelians, but the red-orange seems too solid for a Carnelian, right? Carnelians:
  19. There's no Kokomo "Mostly Pix" thread! Okay, now there's a Kokomo thread. Mostly Pix - Kokomo
  20. How did a miss starting a Kokomo Mostly Pix thread? Well, we have several Kokomo picture threads around the site, which I need to link. So here's one place I can link 'em.
  21. I dare say dolls are as nice as marbles.
  22. That was very exciting. Surprise finish! Did you have an spectators?
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