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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    Number 12

    Could it be a Peltier Rainbo?
  2. What a fun search that must have been. What a great find.
  3. Since it's red, I would agree with ausman's slag call but instead say possibly CAC or Akro.
  4. Hi zeppelin. Welcome. Did you try to upload an image? Looks like the upload failed. The image might have been too large.
  5. In one of Leonard Nimoy's first roles -- an uncredited role in a Francis, the talking mule movie -- Nimoy says that their football coach has lost his marbles.
  6. Steph

    Russian Prison

    My go-to "stop complaining" thought is the story I heard about a grandfather in Afghanistan rooting around for grass to feed his starving grandchildren.
  7. My cat is facebook friends with Victoria Jackson of SNL fame. I sent her a friend request and she didn't accept it. But she accepted my cat's.
  8. Congrats, Greg. Thanks, greenvwbug. That was fun. Thanks for the opportunity and the donation.
  9. Ooops, I meant to bump this earlier. 14 more minutes!
  10. It's really getting out there, isn't it. lol The producers must have been like, "Season 1 was so popular that we have to stretch this as much as we can." But I hear the current season will be the last, so I'll hang in.
  11. Tonight's going to be an exciting night on Big Brother. Will watch Under the Dome after that. Under the Dome is super silly, but I committed to it in Season 1, so I am seeing it through to the end.
  12. Thanks for the pix! George Sourlis sent me the copy of the balance sheet. I'll have to ask him about the backstory. Yes, my opalescent yellow is hand-gathered and highly fluorescent.
  13. We'll be local but we'll be moving from renting into our own house.
  14. I want to go make another bid on the sparkler auction but my husband just told me he wants us to move in October. So gotta save for the down payment. I'm mostly happy about this. But a little scared. And sparkler-deprived. (Not completely deprived -- I do have one very nice little sparkler.)
  15. I'm wondering if there really is a green ribbon there -- or if it is white which looks green because of the base glass.
  16. I must have read that in AMMM --- years ago. So hard to keep the info together, but someone usually comes through with a reminder.
  17. Consider something reversible. Mike talks about a water-soluble polymer coating here: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/19143-open-core-latticno-would-you-polish-it/?p=165686
  18. Once upon a time, Outofround posted these, calling them Canaries ... but these look later than 1929 to me.
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