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Everything posted by Steph

  1. That's a nice box, too, Galen. I guess ...... *as I gaze at my single CAC pastel*
  2. I saw a Gropper ad which was said to have come from 1939 but it was for a Gropper top. There also happen to be Akro marbles in the ad but no apparent connection between the companies.
  3. Neat ... at first blush it looks ilke a Rainbo but prolly not, right?
  4. ^^ That's what I was curious about ... the cutlines and general structure of the CA Moons.
  5. So people may have been mis-id-ing marbles based on the glow? .... what about dug marbles from Akro? Anyone have dug moonies?
  6. Okay, now that is strange. Akro Moonies are supposedly known for their glow. Did they sometimes not have it? Was there an era in which they didn't? A narrow window of time when they didn't?
  7. Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I wanna take ya .... (n2life71's collage)
  8. Thataway -----> link Oh I guess I'll just copy it here:
  9. That question deserves a thread of its own. Heck, most of your boxes do. But that question really does.
  10. Oh no!!! I know how much that must hurt!
  11. .... on the subject of "polluted boxes" ... how many boxes can you think of which may have had their proper contents removed to replace them with marbles which people thought belonged ... until folks learned there actually was a reason for the marbles which they found in the boxes. Thinking of Rosenthal boxes and "Marble King" boxes. And Akro Special boxes.
  12. I would never have guessed turtles would have a taste for cow.
  13. Hi dunkyboy. Welcome. I'm not sure about the terminology. But I did want to say hi. My first guess would be they were made in Germany. But I'm intrigued by the "French" reference. Hopefully someone here will have some insight.
  14. Was there controversy over that? Trying to recall ....
  15. These are Edna's Vitro 8 fingers, including some opaque ones.
  16. These are Edna's Vitro 8 fingers, including some opaque ones.
  17. When did the Akro sticker get placed there? Any idea? Was that from an antique store? What does the sticker inside say?
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