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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    Safety Tip :-)

    Awwww, what a sweetie .... you're reminding me of my cat who liked marbles best. He's gone now and I always wish I had more marbles ready for him to play with so I wouldn't have told him no so much.
  2. Beautiful springy photo for this oh-so-cold day. ( :
  3. Fantastic photos. Mia is beautiful. Thanks for brightening this cold day.
  4. Jan. 4 Blizzard in the forecast .... p.s., Bob, you know you wanna post a marble tableau!
  5. Eek! 9 inches? That's a Peltier. I wanna say Ketchup & Mustard. And I wanna say 1930 give or take. That is, NLR-era. But it has a slightly later feel ... like maybe a little before the rainbo era. And maybe the yellow isn't right for the K&M. So I'm gonna move this one to main chat forum for input on the name.
  6. Jan. 3 A Morphy marble -- you know there will be a lot of those if I add the marble every day ( :
  7. Cute. She sure looks like she's having fun.
  8. Never heard of that artist but the tune is familiar.
  9. Woot woot! Score for Paul. I guessed wrong about who you meant.
  10. Jan. 2 Sorry, no details known about source.
  11. Happy New Year, Leroy. Hope you have many marbles to polish.
  12. I am not able to get an image when I use that address. The one you sent me in email had more in the address. http://i.rwpic.com/images/sissydear/hothousemar3b.6842165.jpg When I use that, the picture shows up. Try that and see if the box still freezes. It doesn't freeze for me in either case so it might not be the address which is causing the problem. But let's see anyway what happens when you use the address which starts with http.
  13. A couple of people have mentioned problems when trying to include pictures. They seem to be different problems so far. But if you're having issues, please post a little about what you were trying to do and what you saw. Might be useful to know which browser or operating system you're using too. Thanks.
  14. Steph

    Actors We Like

    Well, you know mine.
  15. Awww ... so much personality in that face! <3
  16. My husband asked if Jesus was playing keepsies.
  17. We'll have to figure out why you can't post. Meanwhile here's the second Hot House disco ball!
  18. Hi Wade. Nice to see you. Getting pix of those magazines with the Akro ads inside is still on my to-do list but I've been dragging. My scanner doesn't look like it's going to be up to the job.
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