From p. 87 another ad which isn't directly about marbles but which might be informative. A Reg'lar Fellers announcement.
(Reg'lar Fellers is the brand on a box of marbles from Japan with a type of marbles whose age is still uncertain, as far as I know.)
Note: The brand continued to at least 1938, because I just did a quick check and found a reference to a Playthings from that year which also mentioned toys related to the Reg'lar Fellers comic strip. "Many interesting tie-ups in the toy field are now in preparation and, according to Mr. Lindner, will be shortly announced," it was said. When I first noticed that, I wondered if the brand lasted until after the war. Reading that the brand was around in 1931/1932, I wonder that even more.
thread with marble pics and date discussion