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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Well, it's not a Pelt. And it's not a clean P&R pattern so I'd expect that to affect value.
  2. Does this work? Sistersville MARBLE FESTIVAL BROCHURE 2013.pdf I couldn't open Brett's .pdf either, so I downloaded his .doc and converted it in open office. So not sure if mine is the same as his .pdf.
  3. Not Peltier. Might not even be a Watermelon. If it's a newer MK patch, it doesn't qualify for the name. Edit: I rushed to the link so fast that I didn't see your comment on the date. -- to me the pattern did seem more recent. Edit #2: Didn't seem totally standard but closer to the Color 1 - Color 2 - Color 1 model than to the classic MK Patch and Ribbon pattern. Not sure what to make of the base glass. Been awhile since I fished out my modern MK patches. Suppose I should've done that before replying, or at least before the 2nd edit. *sheepish*
  4. Steph


    Nifty! Or maybe I should have said Far Out!
  5. Those are fantastic. Sunlight sure is their friend.
  6. Brown is rising in the ranks of my favorite colors.
  7. That yellow band is unusual (interesting even!) but I believe you probably have a genuine Ace -- by which I mean the marble which Akro called an Ace. Here's an example Dani posted of one she backlit: No yellow band on here, and still a glow inside.
  8. After yesterday's long conversation I'm almost afraid to tell you what I think the base looks like.
  9. Luscious lashes. My first thought is not popeye, but I won't argue with anyone who follows up with a popeye vote.
  10. Steph


    Matei Apostolescu
  11. Well that's interesting. A new brand for Al to collect!
  12. Yup, my main question is answered. Now I'm pooped.
  13. cherry tomato, cherry tomato, cherry tomato gotta remember that
  14. I didn't realize the aventurine on that style was gold. Must be something else in hand.
  15. I think I'd say what I'd learned was not that there is no truly black glass, but that most of what we call black isn't really. For instance, a Marble King bumblebee with purple ribbons. We just naturally call them black -- confusing new collectors along the way. There's some Akro which seems totally black to me. If it's really something else, I don't know it yet. I'll gladly keep calling it black.
  16. Those would be fun to have as a non-marble collector. Just plain pretty!
  17. So you won't be accepting Galen's invitation to join Name Haters Anonymous .....
  18. The name which won the Prize Name contest was "Fire Opal", which obviously wasn't used as a corkscrew name. Prize Name stuck as the official Akro name on boxes and in catalogs. Here's a thread with part of the original flyer, and the two-month-late announcement of the winner. http://marbleconnection.com/topic/8347-speaking-of-akro-loose-ends
  19. Sorry you're feeling bad. Glad you had a good time.
  20. I am convinced that Dot's marble at this link would have been sold originally in a Moss Agate box. But I totally don't know what the modern collector's name for it would be. It's past time I learned. I know when there is blue it's sometimes called an Ace. Would it also be called an Ace with red? Or is this some sort of Cherry something? Or ...?
  21. Some collectible American Cat's Eyes. Marble King St. Marys The big red and yellow one has red on all vanes, trimmed in yellow. I don't think that's how it was supposed to be. But I'll gladly keep it as a placeholder until I find one with better separation of the colors.
  22. Awesome start, guys. Seems that four-vane four-color Asian one ought to have some value. The four-vane four-color American ones do. Why wouldn't the Asian ones?! But I've seen so few of them, and I don't know if I've ever seen one for sale. Maybe they're "too rare to value".
  23. Anyone have any good examples of the classics? Need a thread to link to when people ask which cat's eyes have more value than others. For one we need a comparison of Asian cross-through cat's eyes and the common Asian variety.
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