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Everything posted by Steph

  1. It's listed as "Old Vintage" and pre-1970. Gremlin has been around long enough to know that's a contemporary marble.
  2. Hope they are decent enough to wrap them as well for the return as you did to send them.
  3. No opinion on the sale. Just a "for what it's worth". Sometimes real popeyes didn't twist, like the one on the right here. Popeye run. Just didn't cork.
  4. That's what I thought! No problem! I'll be ready. yeah right.
  5. (found while trying to find a birthday fish for JM ... still looking!)
  6. Hope it's a great one. Still looking for an LOLfish for you but don't want to put this off too long!
  7. Thanks. Why? Coz someone with a lot of marble knowledge estimated they were from the 1930's and thus made for Berry Pink by someone other than Marble King. One thing led to another and suddenly I wasn't sure how much of the information was based on tradition and how much there was evidence for.
  8. Are they iridescent? If so I'm leaning toward Vacor as the manufacturer. As to who put the decals on .... ? There's a U.S. company called Lucky Dog which does logos. They would get proper licenses to print cartoon figures and such. The owner of the company said that their business was affected by non-US sellers who didn't always get the proper licenses.
  9. Brad posted a Canadian one from 1924:
  10. Update while I'm thinking about trophies: Since Dinkybus posted this in 2008 I did a lot of reading in old papers. It's been awhile and a couple of computer reformats since the last time I played around with the articles so my memory is getting fuzzy, but 1943 is the last date I can remember finding a reference to a tournament which sounded like it might be sponsored by the Marble King. There were a lot of references for 1940, a few for 1941, one which if I remember correctly said Pink wasn't going to do tourneys in 1942 because of his Naval Reserve service, and this one from 1943. I remember seeing several different trophy heights but don't remember a 14-incher mentioned anywhere. Heights weren't always stated in the newspapers.
  11. Here are some from Berry Pink tournaments. Dinkybus posted this one. Dinkybus' thread: Marble King Trophy Date on that one is unknown. My working guess is 1940 or later but not too much later. Small possibility of 1939. The latest reference I remember finding for Marble King trophies is 1943. Some 1940's versions. Tacoma. Grand prize from the tournament at the NY World's Fair.
  12. Galen just gave me a huge waitaminnit moment. Which company manufactured them? Have they been dug anywhere? Here are some Berry Pinks Patry posted. What company do those look like? Why do we associate them with the man named Berry Pink?
  13. Wondering what all folks have by way of trophies. A few have been posted before. Thought it would be nice to bring examples together.
  14. Maybe they had one good year of Fiestas early on, the way early Michelangelos were cooler than later? Total guess. Will wait for otras opinions now.
  15. (I have a stash of emoticons down here. It was easier to call up their addresses before the latest format change. )
  16. Well, they look like Peltier. But Chuck wouldn't ask us about something obvious. So does that mean they're something else? Kokomo?
  17. Yeah ... I'll be ready! lol Ummm ... how many national and international championships have you won again?
  18. I think that one's a Fiesta. Kinda meaty looking (in a good way) compared to the catalog photo I just pulled up. But I think it's a match.
  19. The most rainbo-y, gradient-y (notice how diplomatically I avoid saying the word blend ) marbles I've ever seen might be the Jabo Tributes. Love the effect. Windy did a sweet job with hers here. http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=9085 I bet closer up pix would reveal even more distinct colors. I've gotten lost trying to count the colors on mine.
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