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Everything posted by Steph

  1. LOL. That's way too cute. Whose birthday is it?
  2. his site? which would that be? his ebay store, or does he have another site?
  3. Tempted to bid high on the golden rebel just to stop the sale. Not going to because I don't have that much nerve. But that sale looks like something someone would do if they had no ethics and were closing up shop. If you sort their current listings by time ending, you see a whole line up of Joe's marble photos as the seller's last active auctions. Followed by a string of bulk lots with $20 buy-it-nows. If they don't care about their ebay ID they might be going for one big sale before they pack up their wagon and get out of ebay sales. They can take the money, cash out their paypal account, and go - before anyone has a chance to ask for refunds. Or maybe it's totally innocent. Maybe the seller loaned those to Joe originally. Or maybe Joe has consigned his own marbles to them with permission to use his photos. Consigned the marbles to someone who uses Alan's text verbatim and uses Dani's pic for their profile. ai yi yi ...... I still haven't heard back from the seller or from Joe. So I still don't know what their story might be.
  4. His ebay profile pic: Alley board posted by Dani:
  5. I've sent a note to ask why they used Joe's pix, and ask if they are selling the actual marbles from the photos.
  6. Not meaning to overlook the point about the wording which was copied from Alan. The words and styles and font colors. Very creepy awkward.
  7. They're Joe's pix alright. I suppose they could possibly be that seller's marbles. Joe did borrow some marbles for some of his photos. ????????????????? Hopefully Joe will see and either make it clear that the marbles do belong to this seller or find a way to cut through eBay's formal reporting maze to stop the fraud.
  8. The green backgrounds made me go to Joemarbles.com. That's his trademark, so to speak. Joe's Golden Rebel photos Joe's Spiderman photos
  9. Yeah, photobucket is easy. I mostly use that. For what it's worth though, using the gallery is different from using attachments. No click needed. If you put images in your gallery album, you get a separate html address for them. You can use that address to post the image without it being in the little thumbnail box. Here's Matthew's Dave Becker pic from the gallery. using the web address and the tags like so [img=http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/uploads/1285239778/gallery_1920_199_389575.jpg]
  10. At the top of the page under the Marble Connection banner do you see links for "Forums", "Members", "Gallery" and "Calendar"? Follow that gallery link and if you upload things there, they should show on the banner until the next person uploads enough to slide your photos over.
  11. The gallery banner shows the most recent uploads to folks' albums.
  12. Here's a sea glass example bythesea posted, converted to jewelry.
  13. Here's a clump of marbles from the Chicago Fire of 1871. source: Chicago History Museum at Flickr Do you have any other good fire-damaged marble photos? Or water exposed marbles? I know someone has posted shipwreck marbles before. Also I think it would be good to have aquarium marble photos or beach marble photos on tap if anyone can dig some of those up. Or marbles which look different from having been buried. Thanks. p.s., yes, Nancy's melted marble from the gallery inspired this.
  14. 2017 EDIT -- I don't know if this has anything that's not mentioned above. This was a couple months after what I wrote above, so maybe I was trying to write a clean draft and didn't get far, or maybe it was new stuff. Well, it's another link to play with. About sulphides Specifically about the name "Sulphide". I wondered how and when figure marbles came to be known as sulphides. Couldn't find much in my normal online search areas. I found just enough to make me suspect that the name came through the French. 1928 L'art et le goût sous la restauration, 1814 à 1830 Jacques Robiquet Payot, 1928 "«Camées Incrustés », des soi-disant « Sulfures»" ===> "'Cameos Encrusted', with so-called 'Sulphides'" (Translation by Babel Fish) http://www.glassmessages.com/index.php?action=printpage;topic=34850.0
  15. Well, it's interesting to me. Maybe I'm the only one who has thumbed past this and never noticed. Sitting right there in the middle of American Machine-Made Marbles (p. 135) is an invoice for marbles Peltier sold to Alox in 1938. Solid colored mibs. 20 K each of six colors. Anyone else get surprises like that when they go back through their marble books? Things which just couldn't have been there before because how could you have missed that? (lol)
  16. Wow. I had totally missed the significance of the ordering. (Thanks!)
  17. 2008 Here's a newspaper article on the restoration of the marble covered monument at a cemetery in Ravenswood: Marble collectors pitch in to restore unique grave monument By Greg Matics The Jackson Star-News Posted Oct 09, 2008 @ 03:23 PM Be sure to zoom the photograph. It's a nice one.
  18. Sounds like a cool one! Sorry you didn't get it!
  19. That is one of the most luscious Akro pictures I have ever seen.
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