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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Lucky Boy Champion Marble Set from the Feb. 26, 27, 2010 Morphy auction. (click to enlarge)
  2. Pretty sure on them being game marbles. One of the solitaire games I think. Might be able to find a pic somewhere.
  3. I like the Bogard possibility for the bubbles and for the vane color. Have you tried underwater photos - or just looking at them underwater - to get a good idea of how many vanes and the construction? I have a few flaring Bogards. I just pulled one out. The vanes have three colors, some more transparent than others. When I put it underwater and look at it it from the top it's pretty cool. I can actually see the flaring vanes retracting and becoming tight and normal looking as I submerge it. Fun stuff. lol Edit: I'm unsure whether mine are Bogards or Heatons. I think I might have gotten them under the label of Heaton. But they're related, right?
  4. Duffy could add some insight here. I think he has said something about MK having a Pelt machine. But when they got it and what it was used for? Anyway, to me yours look like Pelt rainbos. That's where I would have them in my collection. -s
  5. There were Peltier Rainbos sold under the label Marble King. However, to the best of my understanding those were marbles which Berry Pink jobbered for Peltier before the Marble King company was founded. After Marble King was founded, the company packaged Alley swirls and then the well-known patch and ribbon rainbows. If I understand correctly. Not familiar with a "Berry Pink Citrus".
  6. I LOVE getting new names to Google! Found some of the names from these Müller boxes in a couple of books. One from 1917 had only "snippet" view. Here are a couple of full view texts. One from 1907. One from 1896. More names and keywords to look up later! Deutschlands glas-industrie: adressbuch sämtlicher deutschen glashütten. Thüringen: Ein geographisches Handbuch, Volume 3 By Fritz Regel The first is big print with just 3 entries on the page. My computer is slow loading right now and I'm having trouble getting a bigger view of what is in the book. The 2nd is a nice compact list of glasshouses in Thuringen. Now to learn to read German!
  7. Yeah, I was worried about that Jack. People try to protect certain collector's terms. Helmet for a certain kind of Vitro. Turkey for CAC's - not just for any turkey-head swirl from any maker.. Things like that. So let's reset the question. What does anyone think about Jack's mib just as it stands? As a cool 1" MK. Value? Rarity? Did I mention I think it's cool?!
  8. Tools and paperwork, dated 1913. Still from the Feb. 2010 Morphy auction. (click to enlarge)
  9. Must see Morphy Auctions for February 26 & 27, 2010. Not a chance of me being able to copy all the packaging images over to here. I probably won't even try to get half. I just hope they leave those pictures in their archive. If you love German handmades, go check out that auction. Here are a few of the boxes just to get things started. The single marbles are also fantastic. I haven't even looked at them all yet. Back I go now! , , , (does this link work?) (click to enlarge) . . . . . . . . . . . . Edit: Not sure if these are "real". Does the wear look right on the first box? Or does it seem as if the label should be more damaged considering where the wear on the box is? Possible explanation: Could be all old materials but married into new "original packaging".
  10. Sweet sweet sweet. Here are some auction pix I've posted before. Many (all?) of the boxes said "Made in Germany". I read somewhere that "Made in Germany" means 1921 or later. (click to enlarge) china marbles, black ballot: 1" bennies, original tissue in box: 1 and 1/8": stock box with peewee clays: jaspers: chinas:
  11. It's no guinea but I thought it was pretty nice. Not mine, but I tried for it! (pic from marblealan auction)
  12. Acme Realers (click to enlarge) Source: Redcougar725, ebay auction More Realer pix here
  13. I see the yellowish cast. I'm also seeing a possible match though with these Anacortes which Don posted. What do you guys think? Jack's again:
  14. Definitely Jabos. Sorry Ken. Hate to be the one to break it to you. Probably should give them to cubscouts. I can help you find some boys who would like them. ;-)
  15. Sorry you didn't get any answers. I recommend posting handmade questions in the main forum. Since most of the marbles in the ID section are machine-mades, people who specialize in handmades don't look over here as often. Does it have anything in the middle of it? Would this fall into the "maypole" category. I'm just winging it here. All I know about handmades is what I read in Paul Baumann's book, Collecting Antique Marbles. I'll move this over to the main section to get some more eyes on it. -s
  16. Ah, found Galen's pic! Found two pics actually. Agate cutters, old and closer to "modern".
  17. I thought I knew where Galen's pic was but couldn't find it right off. Since this is already one of the cooler threads and could be better if someone besides me played with you :-) I think I'll bump it and temporarily relocate it to see if anyone else wants to join in. Huge thanks already to Steve, and thanks in advance to anyone else who can help with this stone and ceramics primer.
  18. Elizabeth or Paula might be able to give us insight into the colors. That bright red/green/blue combo seems as if it could be a clue. How common would that be in any size? I've had one in that combo, but I don't know if I've seen more than that one. Wonder if anyone could pin that down to an era.
  19. Very cool about the buoys and channel markers! I've been researching the ballast idea. I've learned some things about different kinds of ballast. I still haven't talked to any experts about it but I've seen more than one reference in newspapers to marble ballast. And some more credible sources than newspapers have discussed the idea of worthless ballast items which would just be thrown overboard vs. commercially sell-able items such as salt and iron which got cheap freight rates because carrying cargo at cheap rates was better than travelling with none. [edit: I mention that because many ballast stories discuss marbles as the sell-able type of ballast, as opposed to the kind which gets shovelled into the sea.] I saw your seaglass jewelry in the i.d. section. You should post it here too. Those are great!
  20. As to "experimental", I would avoid using that term. I've heard that Akro's true experimental runs were made on larger size marble machines. I can't remember what rationale was given for that. Whether it had to do with checking glass quality or whether the large machines were less likely to be needed for normal production, or what. But that's what I heard. if I recall correctly.
  21. Archive-worthy explanation! Thanks!
  22. Wow. Where does she get the material she works with?! I once broke a Peggy Karr plate. I couldn't bear to throw it away so I tumbled the pieces. That turned out nicely.
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