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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Vacor "Old Fashion" Here's the pic from emarbles.com. Other colors are available also. I'll try to get some more pix to show more variation. That's a tricky thing about Vacors - how variable a single style can be, with some looking more nearly vintage and some being more obviously new. Here's more of the same. Still looking for a pic showing brown ones at least.
  2. Ouch! Good news here tho'. No new snow to speak of overnight. A sultry steamy 10 degrees! I suspect the glee is like gallows humor. They gotta be out in the snow so they find something to laugh about. Hey, we have a newly retired snow plow operator on the board, don't we? Gene, if you are reading, any input into this?
  3. This is a clip from a Vacor pic posted by Sandy. Is it the same style as the one at the bottom of Albert's photo. I think some of its kin have been mistaken for Pelt Cubscouts. I don't know the style name of this one. Any help on getting that name would be appreciated. Thanks. update: I've been informed that it is called a Wave Breaker. If that's correct, it is another example of a style which has varied significantly over time. This is the Wave Breaker example from emarbles.com. further update: Apparently that name is still uncertain. Another possibility is Van Gogh.
  4. Here are some Vacors posted by Albert at LOM. Including some which look like CAC's. I'm pretty sure they came from one or more Mega Sampler bags.
  5. Rockwell Museum? Haven't heard of that one. But there are a lot of museums. Local history. Maritime. A wood type museum in the next town up the line which I kinda liked. And I don't know what all. We do have something called the Rahr West Art Museum which folks are proud of so I hate to admit I haven't visited it.
  6. Where's the tongue-sticky-out icon! The fun started last night when the wind blew a power line down and into the street. That adventure only lasted about two hours. Some heroes from the power company came out into the bluster and took care of that. The snow in the drive is only about 5 inches deep. Not so bad. The problem is the 3 foot high mound of compressed snow boulders the road plow wedged onto the base of the drive. Luckily, Jimmy doesn't have to leave for work for about three hours. Hopefully I can save him from most of it before he wakes up. Later everybody!
  7. Oooh, nice cold pic. It's actually not too bad here either. I'm in Manitowoc. (Need to look up Lannon on a map.) I slipped on my sandals (lol) and went out to the porch to enjoy the view. There's a park across the way with Christmas lights. Very pretty actually.
  8. But we can't afford a snowblower for the drive. All shoveled out by hand. Thanks for being such a nice person.
  9. Just sayin'. It's cold in Wisconsin! brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I'm a southern girl. It's still a novelty to me.
  10. Smart to pull it. I was a bidder but not a true contender.
  11. Thank you everyone. A very nice assortment.
  12. Got some nice feedback on the Ribbon Cores. Hope that gives you something to work with. A picture is worth a 1000 words in cases like this. If you still have questions, I'd love to try to answer. And of course we could probably settle your questions directly with pix of your mibs if that's possible.
  13. Looks like it's on a bed of iron filings. Nice contrast of texture.
  14. aaaahhhhhhhhh, you guys are so cute. Happy Birthday Dani!
  15. Was looking through my Alley folder and decided that some of these were different enough to add. (Sometimes they start running together and I can't tell whether they're different enough to be interesting or not. ) These are more from Rinesmarbles auctions.
  16. How do you get to the Messenger? Do you get there by clicking on a triangle up in the top right corner, to the right of your name? When I click on that triangle I get an option to "Manage Ignored Users".
  17. I'm not picky! The question arose about how to tell ribbon cores apart from cat's eyes. I guess most of the time that might be "easy", but maybe not for a handmade newbie, especially not with examples like this one below floating around. So I'm tossing it out to the pros. This is from Joemarbles.com:
  18. A ribbon core is a handmade marble. A cat's eye is machine made. Here is a thread with many examples of cat's eyes in it: Japanese Cat's Eye? USA cat's eye? I did a quick search for some ribbon cores to try to help you out with that. I didn't find many pix, and I can totally see how you might think a ribbon core such as this one shown at Joemarbles.com looks like a cat's eye. I'm actually quite insecure about identifying any handmades. I'd like to see more examples myself. I think I'll start a thread in the main area to invite pix of ribbon cores for you. Show Us Your Ribbon Cores
  19. Please! Thanks! I'm feeling a need for some more education in handmades. Plus eye candy is always nice.
  20. awesome! and cute at the same time!
  21. That's cool, m!b$. That's two more uses of the name than I already knew about. Or thought I knew about. The spotted dick I've been curious about is a ceramic, I believe. White with black spots, I think. My list of links to handmades threads tells me to go to a thread at Marble Mental. But I can't get there. Edit: What Duffy said. Thanks!
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