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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Another pic of Dani's, another black one, more tightly filled again.
  2. Here's Dani's pic of a loosely filled Ace.
  3. the ones Charles shows? Do you mean Dave's mibs? I'm not sure about those actually. I'd want to see them in hand. He does have them in hand, so I'll take his word on them. Except for the plain one? The ribbon colors on his look right. The top right view of his black one has an Ace-like hint of rosiness. And check it out, the base of the black one has a grain like a Realer. Thanks bunches for paying such close attention to the ad's words! LOL. I find that phrase frustrating - "a narrow, distinct strip of opalescent glass". Actually, I suspect the ad writers viewed the base as a "strip". In this one it's sorta hard to tell whether the red or the white is the ribbon. hmmm. Anyway, the ad writers were sometimes more poetic than accurate. I sorta pick and choose what to take literally with them. The main concept I take from this ad is the word "opalescent". There are some other Ace features I think I recognize just from having Aces in hand but I get frustrated trying to put the description into words. Aces have filaments, but those could be taken for the wispy white you often see on Moss Agates, and they're not. Then there can be somewhat milky glass, which could be mistaken for Moss Agate glass, but it's not. And don't use the milky glass as a requirement because sometimes you can't even see it, because the more solid white is packed so tightly. arg. Words! We need more ace pix. Dani has shown a GORGEOUS one with the yellow-orange ribbon, I think. Need to find that.
  4. One note: when backlighting to test, be sure the orange comes from the base, not the ribbon. Orange and red ribbons can cause reflections which make the base seem to glow. I'm not sure one way or the other about Akro making Aces in any other colors than the basic 5 shown in the ad and the sample case. As Dave shows there are corky marbles which glow, but did Akro sell them as Aces? We know Akro expanded their varieties of Prize Names and Tri-Colors beyond the five color combos they originally advertised, but I have reservations about Aces. I simply don't know. One major obstacle to learning more about what Akro meant as Aces has been the general lack of awareness that Aces had anything special about them. Most people don't know there was any issue to study. There hasn't been much evidence to debate with or about.
  5. Were they a marble company? (lol) Before Alley moved to Pennsboro they were The Lawrence Glass Novelty Co. And then even though their official name in Pennsboro was Alley Agate they were supposedly known as "the dish factory" to the locals. (source: AMMM, pp. 36, 37)
  6. The largest allowed in all the tournaments I remember reading about has been 3/4". However, Vitro labelled their bags of larger marbles "shooters" in the 1938 ad below. In the 1950's they had packages called "Shooters" which contained marbles as small as 11/16" and as large as 1". (If the Shooters packaging ever contained marbles smaller than 11/16", I'm not aware of it, but I won't say they didn't.) However, in the 1950's Marble King's idea of shooters was more in line with yours. Sometimes MK's shooters were very close to average size.
  7. I know the feeling. I'm in transition on my computer too. Wasn't sure I was going to be able to find the ad. Luckily I remembered where I'd posted it last and got the address from there. Here's that ace from your auction. Hope you don't mind me taking the liberty. :-) It's a good illustration of the glow of the base. (edit: Note the grain. In my experience Aces seem to have a grain, somewhat similar to Acme Realers. Coincidence?) (click for a little more detail) auction
  8. Here you go, Dani. Ace
  9. Moss Agate: (additional images, click to enlarge) . . . . . . Ace: (click to enlarge)
  10. Sorry guys. We're still sorta working out what rating the board will have and I think at this point it's somewhere around PG-13. All I'm sure about is that it's somewhere between Marble Mental and Scott's board. And right now we're more into letting people work things out themselves and figure out how to coexist, than we are into policing things. If we were policing everything something would slip through and then someone would be miffed that so-and-so got away with "it" when they didn't. For that matter, I'm not sure that Lou or Sue even saw that hiccup on page 1. I did. I winced when Kevin made his post. It was a poke at Scott, and out of place in this happy "who's going to Vegas" thread. When Scott poked back I cringed again but couldn't blame him. I was just glad the thread went back to its intended purpose. So since there were a couple of still-smoldering threads I didn't even bring this one up to Lou or Sue.
  11. Helmets Source: Splattman (these and a few more Helmet pix)
  12. Happy Birthday Chippendales Video (censored)
  13. Dani, your 3rd mib there is simply gorgeous. Just wow. Okay, this is why I try not to comment on any of the specific mibs in these color of the month threads. Once I get started, I don't want to stop.
  14. Or instead of recycling that Bogard I could have said, DANG SUE! these are kinda creepy! . . . . .
  15. Mostly a bump, but I'll recycle this fiery pic so it's not an empty post.
  16. Is this one a diaperfold? Single seam. Fairly clean loop on one side. But it had a hiccup on the other side. It's great. But I would hesitate to post it as an example of a DF if I was trying to explain the concept to someone. Very cool in more than one way but not quite this:
  17. Kevin, I don't know Scott's exact role, but I know that he was instrumental in the production of the repro medals which were sent to ACRN for their study.
  18. So, is that a natural layer of something which shows up on top of the hardened silver? Anything to do with oxidation? That's where my guesses are heading at the moment. thanks for playing with me, by the way.
  19. Hmmmm, snickering at where I second guessed myself, but not my main guess. Does that mean I got it right the first time? So what is the black about?
  20. Very cool looking. My guess is repro of a 1933 medal. Or something used in the process of making the repros? I don't have any idea how involved the process is or what the black has to do with it.
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