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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    Photo To Large

    Also how wide? (as wide as your computer screen?)
  2. Steph

    Photo To Large

    How large is it? How many kilobytes?
  3. I believe yours to be American-made, Kevin. There is an on-going discussion of who would have made it, Alox or Master. Been famously seen in Alox packaging, straight from the factory, well, straight from the house of the president of the company. Also been seen in Master Cat's Eye packaging. So we would be talking mid-50's or later with the Master bags.
  4. pop, I think I'm seeing mostly Vitros there, and a couple of Japanese marbles. the one pictured alone looks Japanese. often called a "Wales" marble because of the brand name on some of the packaging it came in.
  5. I've seen them ID-ed before as Heaton based on the separation between the vanes. It was said that Marble Kings would join in the center. But I'm not sure if that opinion was shared by all. Also, I'm not sure whether Heaton's were amethyst. Some at least were brown. I THINK. (would love confirmation or correction on that) Modern Marble Kings were amethyst. At least some of them.
  6. Couple of technicalities. Anacortes is in Washington. Was Anacortes given as a possibility or as the definite answer? (Do black Vitro cats come only from Anacortes is the question.) Now about the ones on the right, two candidates for 4 vane black cats are MK and Heaton. What shade is the black, like if you try to look through them at the sun or somethin'? amethyst? brown?
  7. I have heard that Akro's true experimental marbles were larger sizes. I'm not aware that this small version has a special collectors name. I'd guess it's a Royal - company name. The larger version, the over-an-inch version is sometimes named. I thought it was sometimes called a Claudia. And then the cork version is sometimes called a Jolly Roger. Edna, could that be the way that went? But then some people just call the bigguns Blue and Orange. I think? something like that? (I reserve the right to edit this when I find the right name! LOL)
  8. What size is yours, Gene? I think I missed that. My aquanaut statement was just me playing along and waiting for more pix. :-)
  9. aw, c'mon! Pix? Link? you're killing me! yeah, yeah, yeah, I could go poking around ebay but that's dangerous !
  10. It's a TRUE beaut! I wouldn't have thought Master. Is that oxblood? aw heck, might as well mention the other one which has made me wonder. Kevin, why do you say Master on the green one. Just asking. I don't actually recognize it one way or the other.
  11. That one is giving me a Vacor vibe. But I'm not in a position to confirm that just now.
  12. More whities and blackies. sources unclear/unknown. (click to enlarge) . . . .
  13. Tiger Eye bag. Containing Whities. (right?) Pic posted some time ago by Al. (click to enlarge) Apologies for my first Whities pic being sort of a nontraditional style. Had the pic out for another thread and figured I'd add it while I was thinking about it. mental note: add more whities and blackies and other standards.
  14. 1) does what you quoted from me say that Alox swirls ARE WV swirls? 2) Aloxes ARE almost always lumped in with WV swirls for purposes of ID. A newbie shows a pile of swirls and the typical ID is along the lines of, "Those are called WV swirls". Even if some Aloxes might be tumbling around in the group. Steve, I know you have been concerned about that Alox entry for some time so let me reassure you. The intent of my wording is to acknowledge an erroneous ID which is generally allowed to slide and give a possible reason why it would be hard to ever correct the error -- machine origin. We go with the numbers. And the numbers for this swirl type say, "most likely from WV" with an implicit p.s. of "and we probably couldn't tell for sure if it wasn't".
  15. !!!!! maybe even $$$$$ but definitely !!!!!
  16. yeah, I know just enough to realize that there are some strong feelings. Fer example: This was Carl Fisher's entry in the 2008 GA alphabet marble contest. (click to enlarge) This was Margaret Zinser's entry this year. Both did well in the contest, and both were a source of tension because they were so different from mainstream glasswork.
  17. fun fun fun. that box woulda made my heart skip a beat.
  18. Thanks for the names. I will get the list updated. I have a few other short lists to cross-reference. Won't be surprised if that turns up more names. Plus, I have a couple of names I've been aware of for awhile but on the fence about. One person works with sorta weird glass, one with ceramics. I've included other orb-makers in non-glass media but it seems like they need to be nominated for membership in the club and aren't automatically recognized. you know? I don't know enough about contemps to know if they were excluded on purpose, and if others feel it would be wrong to have them in the same list. The two on my bench: Laura Berretti of marbled clay fame. And Jeffrey Grey, maker of "fiberagates" hmmmm , , , decided to include JG but still mulling over LB. Having trouble getting an edit window at GA, so have time to mull.
  19. Right Gene. If you deleted your pix from photobucket, they would be gone from here.
  20. no need for drastic measures You almost made it. The [ dropped off the front is all, i think. Add that to the code and you should be good to go! IMG]http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu110/twisterdink/100_4000.jpg[/IMG] [img=http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu110/twisterdink/100_4000.jpg]
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