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Everything posted by Steph

  1. ooooof. That bag knocks the wind out of me.
  2. Gene, Lou doesn't delete threads for being off-topic. OT threads are perfectly okay. Preferably they say OT in the title but that's not a hard and fast rule either. The problem has been threads which started off as a certain topic and then were turned into something much different. Friendly little detours are okay. Even meandering far from the point, in some circumstances. You know how it can happen. But when the unfriendliness and general politics were throwing off good threads that's where the line was to be drawn. What Lou started doing, and what I was responsible for doing while he was on sabbatical, was to remove posts which were derailing otherwise good threads. Either "unapproving" the posts, or routing them down to the Board of Inquiry. So OT threads are okay. Threads being hijacked and made off-topic, not so much. Fwiw, we've had a lounge but it had the problem of newbies posting friendly off-topic stuff down there and not being noticed. So we got rid of the lounge and said, let's hang up here. We didn't even have a separate ID forum at the time. Because things weren't busy enough to justify it. Maybe things are "busy" enough to think about it again. But just so you know OT is OK.
  3. Thanks Sue. p.s. Ruth, I love your Schmoo cat's little muppet feet. Thanks for sharing. :-)
  4. boy howdy did I luck out. Kurt Warner made it to the stadium but it looks like he got in some sorta jam! Oh man I feel so guilty rooting for a good QB to do badly. Is it too late to get out of the league? I'm way too soft for this kind of pressure! LOL
  5. And the games are on! whoot whoot! Why do I suddenly hope Kurt Warner gets caught in a traffic jam on his way to the stadium today?
  6. p.p.s., yes, I agree with Jabo on the 1st pic.
  7. I noticed the IDs. I didn't agree with all. Or let's say I mighta wanted to see a few more pix of some of the mibs. And I thought that at least one of the labels might have been a joke. But hey, you're a fun guy. I figured I'd go with the flow. p.s., the "pelts" pic is the main one I got snagged on.
  8. Hiya. Here's a recent thread Pete posted on the GRM's. Golden Rule Marble - again
  9. Kev, could you give us a link to Dani's mib? I don't understand the master thought here.
  10. Steph


    Hope you consulted this first!
  11. I still wish folks would post handmades in the main area. And trust us to be gentle with you for it. Many of the principally handmade collectors don't look in the ID forum. "Their" mibs just don't show up that often. I wanna know more about this one, goshdarnit! LOL So I'm moving this.
  12. #2. Did Pelt make a Ko Ko comic on a base other than white? I've seen all but Ko Ko on non-white bases. Just curious!
  13. correct. different construction.
  14. Good catch, Kevin. Yes, Master did black. (but Master wouldn't be a candidate for Jack's)
  15. Love the pod shape. I think I'd have it near my Master cat's eyes. Probably not right in the middle of my official Master cat section, but that's mainly coz my official section came from marked cat's eye bags.
  16. Someone reminded me of this bag which might interest some participants of this thread. Who made the marbles inside? Akro Hot Shot bag: (click pix to enlarge) . . . . . This is all I said about Akro in the WV swirls entry in my definitions thread: "Also, people have perhaps jokingly included certain Akros in that category. They weren't primarily a swirl company but were in WV and did make some swirls." That still seems an accurate summary to me. fwiw. And even if someone made the claim unjokingly, I wouldn't think they were unreasonable. jmho.
  17. Steph

    Photo To Large

    No prob! wonderful pic! Worth the wait!
  18. Steph

    Photo To Large

    You may have the rest figured out before I can type this. Under the photobucket thumbnail, hopefully, there should be something which reads something like: [img=http://blahblahblah.etc.jpg] If you see that, you can copy it and paste it into your message. If you want to make a thumbnail for it, for faster loading, that's a little more complicated. Not hard. But more complicated.
  19. Steph

    Photo To Large

    How interested are you in keeping the full width? Photobucket would let you upload an image with that many KB. You might have to change a setting to keep it from automatically shrinking the dimension but it's doable. To get it as an attachment here, I think the KB needs to be under 450. Do you have a PC? With Windows Paint? That can be used for a quick resize. 612 KB actually sounds sort of "efficient" for an image that wide. Thus, reducing the image only a small amount (say down to 80% of original) might actually make the KB grow. If that's so, then 60% sounds like it might still be a good size and that should get the filesize under 450 KB. Or you could email it to me. LOL. And I could play with it!
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