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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Sue is a handmade collector, not a machine-made collector. She wasn't pretending not to know. She was trying to help in an area outside her comfort zone when the people who did know weren't stepping forward. Folks like me. Not that I'm an expert, but I've concentrated more on machine-mades than she has. But I haven't been stepping up, not much. Because I have something I've been supposed to mail to Darla for MONTHS, and haven't done it, and have been trying to stay away from the board until I get it done. Pretty much failed all around. But have to say Sue doesn't pretend. IMHO.
  2. Frickin A! Duffy stomped me with 4 players gone. And Brett Favre on the bench! LOL That's cold! LOL Dani, the league is supposedly head-to-head. I mean the scoring and settings page says head-to-head. I only say "supposedly" because I don't know what head-to-head means in the first place. I think that maybe one reason you get such different results from your two teams could be that this league manager didn't go with all of Yahoo's defaults. For instance, if the QB throws an interception, in this league he will lose 3 points instead of Yahoo's 1 point. and like that.
  3. Bob Block's Marbles: Identification & Price Guide has some errors but it's pretty handy in general. That said, I can't think of any one book which covers everything I wanted to know as a newbie. Posting mibs on the boards is really a great way to go if you have a halfway decent camera. If not, of course that is its own brand of frustration.
  4. I have a single seam MK, a coupla single seam Akros including a carnelian, and even a single seam cat eye (or pretty darn close to being single seam - hard to tell with the clear, you know). My bumblebee: maybe you saw me :ph34r:
  5. That blue and that structure make Alley a tempting possibility also. (some pix) :ph34r:
  6. Ducking in. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . (I think the marble photos came from Manddrakes' auctions) Ducking out. You didn't see me. :ph34r:
  7. Since the marbles in the ID section are mostly machine mades, the hand made collectors and contemporary collectors don't tend to look over there. There are some versatile collectors who can field all types of question, but mostly the contemp collectors don't seem to be that much into visiting the ID forum. Even the ones who would be totally glad to help ID. They just don't tend to look over in the ID forum. Well, that's my impression anyway. Soooo . . . there you go. Nothing to apologize about. I just wanted to increase the visibility of your mib. Now it's got a link in the ID forum and in the main chat forum. Hopefully you'll get an answer. Another type of mib question I tend to move is when someone knows the ID of their mib but they want to know the value or rarity. Those threads sometimes start in the ID forum and I might move them.
  8. I think I've got this right. Thought it could be interesting to consider, whether I do or don't! Here's the medal from the diaper fold thread. And then next are some things I observed which make it appear to be a reproduction. There might be more, such as surface texture, which I don't recognize. Or maybe I've got it wrong and the medal's original. Comments welcome. Thanks. (click to enlarge)
  9. I have something much more interesting planned for the cow , , , ,
  10. oh man, no, wouldn't that be a drooler. mine is about 21/32". technical edit: in the 50's that might have been intended as a shooter, I think. :-) You ever notice how MK bags say every bag contains a shooter but sometimes you gotta look really hard to find the mib which is a little larger than the rest?
  11. Sometimes I stay out of fights because I know that me getting in will turn the thing about me. Whatever the h@ll the fight was about, it will become about me. Sometimes I use that reality a different way. I step in to draw fire because I'd rather get it than see someone else take the brunt. And sometimes, though it's rare, sometimes I do go on the offensive for my own satisfaction. I've taken so much b.s. that sometimes I say what the h@ll, I'm gonna say something this time. The preceding post was a mixture of options 2 and 3.
  12. Yeah, Bo, you should have that right. But the reality is that when someone invokes that right, the crap escalates. I "love" it (NOT) when the stalkers don't use names. They're being cowardly, mean, passive-aggressive, whatever your favorite psychobabble word is. They're setting a frickin' trap and when you respond, it gets them off. If you do something similar to what they do (for instance in my case now, not naming names) they'll call you a hypocrite and say you are the offender. But if you used their name, they'd complain about something else. For instance you unfairly assuming something about their intent. Something. There is no winning. Some people simply seem intent on being unkind whether in a general or in a targetted way. Several read the board, rarely participating in the positive, waiting for something to pounce on. I hate watching those attacks turn enthusiastic people into bitter people. That sucks worst of all. One more thing I hate is when people who are nice and who don't like attacks, look the other way when their friends do it. Or sometimes even applaud the attack. That totally sucks. Though not as badly as when the innocent people get hurt. But what are you gonna do? You can't expect them to call out their friends. I've tried that - tried being honest about when my friends were doing something they wouldn't like being done to them - and that doesn't go over so well. My best hope for everyone is that the people who are nice will keep posting marbles and ignoring the complainers. Hopefully the complaining will wither away when it is seen that it is not getting a reaction, or when the reaction is to label it as squabbling and send it to the time out room. But yeah, Bo, it's terribly difficult when they're so insistent on distracting you that they get in your face. The semi-annual hit and run which a couple of members do is not so bad. It's a pain, but it's over with quickly. When it comes down to it, we have to decide which consequences we're willing to risk for acknowledging the person getting up in our face. There are gonna be consequences.
  13. in the oddball category, my singled seam bumblebee: and here's my sorta pelty shooter where diggers have said MK and collectors have said "huh?".
  14. Those Green Hornets are killin' me. I mostly have the basics plus a coupla oddballs. I need to get a pic of my whacked out multicolor rainbow with pink metallic. I can't remember if I've shown that one. It's an error in about 3 ways but it's cool. Here's my "new" maybe early 1960's bag with the "all-red" looking ones.
  15. Aquamarines Here's the classic pic which has been shown in several threads. (taken by Bob B.)
  16. So, a tank wash marble hasn't been washed in a tank. It was made out of the glass being used to clean the tank. (with maybe a little extra color added to make it interesting) Is the glass used to clean a tank always clear? Was colored Wissmach glass used to clean tanks at Champion?
  17. LOL. Some of us wouldn't be welcome there. Some of us would find it too rough even though we crave a chance to vent. There have been times I toyed with the idea of applying for asylum, but then I went to my more warm fuzzy board and vented there. (lol) Here's a thought question. Suppose someone misrepresents marbles on ebay in a chronic and seemingly intentional way. If that person were not a member of the board they might be roundly criticized and buyer alerts might be posted about them. What if the person is a member of the board? Is it an attack to criticize the member in the same way one would if he were not a member?
  18. There are problems with interpretation, problems with form, problems with delivery, problems with determining the right punishment for the "crime". Some people are subtle in their attacks, yet so insidious about them that the results are more painful than when attacks are direct. Probably most people are more sensitive to the digs made to themselves and friends than they are to those made at others. Sometimes there hasn't even been a dig, honest to gosh hasn't been a dig, but it's been felt anyway. Who decides what is an attack and what is self-defense? When has self defense gone too far? So much gray area. so much need for patience. This is one reason I like the buffer zone idea. People might not appreciate being called squabblers but at least they still have a chance to talk things out.
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