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  1. Steph

    Vitro Opals

    What is the range of variation of Vitro Opals? Some months back I heard something which led me to believe that I'd been defining them too rigidly. For instance, I thought they had to have multi-color patches but then I heard that might not necessarily be so. That "originally" it might have been more about the base of the marble and not so much about the ribbons. Looking for confirmation or correction. If you have an opal to show off or have some info to share, that would be awesome. Thanks!
  2. So is this it? (what Lou posted in the test forum - oooh that is a BIG pic - that would probably be why you couldn't upload it) (p.s., hi, welcome to the board. :-)
  3. That's a big little guy, huh? Congrats! Thanks for sharing!
  4. Thank you everyone. Any last words before the thread gets tucked away in SH, or I think maybe the Archive now?
  5. Chinese marbles. Not sure what it would cost to get them in general. I'm thinking a buck or two apiece? But I'm truly not sure. (and I don't offhand know where to go to look it up - don't know who sells them these days)
  6. Gorgeous. Great info. Thank you very much for sharing.
  7. Dangit! I was THAT close. I can't abide cats. Except for Brother, Joe, the Batweasel, Jean Ann, Kedo, Erbert, and maybe some others. Maybe I'll have better luck next time. Thanks for playing though.
  8. By extras, I meant "more marbles". There's a lot under discussion right now with an Ajax, plus 104 more marbles. I was interested in the value of an Ajax marble all by itself.
  9. Griff I'm not surprised about. But I mighta thought you had a chance, Sue, with someone named popculturizm. :-)
  10. Heck, Doogle's got an admirer! I'll do ANYTHING for him!
  11. Is the agate hand-faceted? It's perty in any case.
  12. So what would anyone here pay for just a single Ajax advertising mib or just a single Bonux mib with no extras? $20? $50? More? Less?
  13. fwiw, I'm going to be happy when my halves get here. Thank you Rosalie (and Dustin for influencing my decision to bid). :-)
  14. *blush* Thank you very much for the compliment Doogle. :-) I really do suck at schmoozing. I know a lot of it is fear. Seen too many foolish people lapping up other people's praise and believing it. Don't want to wake up one morning and find I was a fool. But LOL I am a BIT jealous of the people who have fun with all the bragging and cavorting. (Dang, I sound smug, don't I. SOORRRRYY!) We all got our own comfort levels. :0) Takes all kinds. So what do you think, guys? Auction ended at $18.36. Okay price for a Woodstock in spite of the story?
  15. *whew* Thanks Gene for pulling my poulet out of the soup! I'd hate to have posted an inaccurate image.
  16. (I understand that animated emoticons are helpful in schmoozing. Do I have that right? )
  17. lol. oh boy. I'll finally get to learn! I have a schmooze mentor!
  18. Pop, check out this thread: Advertising On Marbles...ajax & Bonux
  19. Nothing, oh nothing. Ignore those. They're nothing. *whistles nonchalantly*
  20. Agree that looks like oxblood (and yup Bo, to me that looks like a japanese mib, and yup very cool - wouldn't mind having it!) And agree the ox(like) part is accidental. Fwiw, Gary, my suspicion is that it likely is copper based. I don't THINK that old marble makers used aventurine on purpose. But I do like to think they used copper-related colors. I want to believe. ;-) M!b$ pic shows a trend I've seen. When we think of accidental ox - the kind of glass which many non-newbies might agree looks oxlike - we are most often looking at things in a blue to green range. Or so it has seemed to me. And whether or not mib makers used copper-based colors for that range, it is true that SOME people used copper to make those colors, at least the aqua shades. I started a thread at LOM about the aqua <--> ox connection. Here's that link in case anyone is interested. *whew* now I need to put my head down. This is such a heavy subject. :-)
  21. well, seems a fair bet they aren't played with. (lol. good catch!)
  22. I bid on it for the Ajax marble. I would like one of those. But I have no idea what one of those would be worth and stopped bidding LONG ago.
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