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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Bet Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater's wife would have had a different tale to tell . . .
  2. Steve, he's not 50. He's 49.95 + tax. Have a great day Lou!
  3. Cool Craig. Thanks. It would be interesting to hear what Kathy thinks. David, here's what google gives about S.A. De C.V.: And another site gives a quick translation as "Variable Capital Company"
  4. The minty/pistachio-y green corner of my dug Pennsboro Alley box fluoresces nicely. If I understand correctly, some of Ravenswood's pale greens will also.
  5. Here are a couple of boxes from Mexico. First of their kind for me. Any thoughts? Ebay item 140331707292 Item 140331708508 A couple of pix from the first listing:
  6. They appear to have oxblood. ??
  7. lol. It doesn't show well in this scan, but both of these marbles have the striped frit that the big confetti from the auction has. . . . . . These marbles were dug in a Shanghai dump. I know there was dispute about the origin of the more slaglike marbles which were dug with them but I don't recall argument about the frit mibs. Maybe I'm only remembering the parts I liked from the discussion. LOL
  8. One more pic, which I like because it shows at least three pieces of pink and white striped frit. I recognize that frit from marbles I've held in my hand and presented for discussion in the past.
  9. Bumping. Hoping Sue will see if Jeroen doesn't. I've heard them called Chinese more often than German but I couldn't cite a source. I THINK it is typical of other non-marble Chinese glass - that's what I think I've HEARD - but again no specific source.
  10. Wish I'd been taking notes instead of just glancing at numbers. I think he's lost score. I mean not just position. I think they actually decreased his score. Well, I'm not giving up. BUMP!
  11. I don't see it either. A flip flop is not absolutely necessary but I don't see Pelt at this time for more than one reason. I don't have a good alternative in mind but I'm still uncomfortable with this one. p.s. with the colors as shown in the photo I might guess Akro. I'm thrown by Alan's description of the base though: "opaque pale creamy brown base". Apparently the colors are off on my monitor coz I basically see white.
  12. Michael Martin Murphy? (just kidding Joe - you know I love ya!)
  13. I was looking for a excuse to keep this thread going. Hoped these would do. P.s., any idea who all made stripedy ceramics would be welcome. The big one is a sweet glossy American Marble and Toy mib. The one on the right looks different. Not glossy for one thing, and the coloring look doesn't seem close.
  14. Let's stall it on Aventurine for a moment. lol
  15. I'm intrigued there are a couple which might look like Vits. I've noticed that in other Master packaging - mibs which in a standalone ID would likely be called Vit. I believed them to be Master but they sure made me do a double take. I went through about 500 Masters recently making notes on them. That was an adventure. The mibs had been pre-id-ed as Masters by people at shows and so forth. I was only making notes on particular style names within the Master line. On several I had to say something like, "If indeed this is Master, it seems the style name would be Sunburst." Because in a standalone ID with just that marble and no source given, I wouldn't want to have been the one ID-ing the maker.
  16. I also posted a number of mibs in the ID section. I got some input and am grateful but not every question was answered. David, you've answered some of them already at Marble Mental. I purposely posted on different boards though to get as many opinions as I could. Sometimes different groups have different naming traditions and I wanted to get a good feel for that. In any case, more input would sure be welcome. Thanks. "lets all fight and argue." ???? Lots of people are trying to do more than fight. Acknowledging that wouldn't hurt.
  17. There are lots of nice threads on the board. Lots of pix. Even a fair number of mibs waiting for ID. Do you really not see them?
  18. Check this out! Out of this world! http://glasswizzards.yuku.com/topic/2760
  19. Looking at some of the early posts in this thread, I see some broken links and/or missing pictures. I don't know how well I will be able to straighten them all out. In the meantime, here is the specific photo I was looking for while reading those posts - a box of Master brand Uniques posted by Ron (Ron from Georgia).
  20. Here's one which is sorta of interesting. I don't know whose picture this is. At first I thought the packaging was an error. I thought perhaps Cloudys were put in a Meteor box. However, Master advertised Meteors as translucent marbles. They said Meteors included "Green Moss Agates". The packaging is looking better and better. (click to enlarge)
  21. Peace and prayers to Gail, Amy and Windy.
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